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"𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐞"

SARAH MADE HER WAY THROUGH THE MANY PEOPLE and found a seat next to the band. "hey natalie."Sarah greeted seeing a girl from her history class.

"Tonight the Eden Hall varsity warriors do battle with the eden hall freshman ducks. That's right folks look at those uniforms the sign of the fuck is here at eden hall for at least one night."

Sarah looked at the box and saw the J.V teams duck jerseys. "now i know Charlie's color."Sarah muttered to herself hoping no one heard.

She then began to clap along with everyone as the ducks made their way onto the ice and started to skate in a circle.

"it appears they're paying homege to their departed friend and mentor, Hans. The touching of the ice is a Norweigh symbol of respect."

Soon the ducks started to chant "quack" which caused the audience to chant along with them and stand up.

"i'd do anything for that boy but not this."Sarah said to herself and stood up with the rest of the audience and clapped with them.

At the end of their chant the ducks skated onto the ice and met in the middle with Varsity.

"The puck is dropped and here we go. ooh, Varsity comes out hard."

Sarah and the rest of the crowd watched as Varsity was playing rough and knocking the ducks down.

"ooh! big save my Julie the cat!at this rate it's going to take a miracle for the ducks to hang on."

Varsity shot the puck to clear it and they soon started to skate towards the goal again before goldburg who was playing as a normal player blocked the puck but then it was shot again but was blocked by Julie making everyone cheer.

The game restarted with Riley and Charlie for the faceoff. The Referee dropped the puck and both boys knocked each other down but Dwayne got ahold of the puck but was then rammed into the side barrier by a varsity player. Fulton wasted no time and slammed that player into the barrier but another r player came and slammed Fulton into the barrier while the Referee watched.

Varsity grabbed the puck and shot it but it was blocked again by julie. Charlie then raced over and cleared the puck but was then pushed into the barrier making Sarah hiss in pain even tho she didn't get hurt.

The puck was being passed back and fourth and so far either team had a point. Charlie grabbed the puck and shot it way from all the players.

The whistle then blew for a time out to let the players get a water break.


The game had started again and Varsity passed the puck to each other before they attempted to score but it was blocked.

once the puck was cleared Charlie took the puck and started to skate to Varsity's goal but it was unfortunately blocked.

Julie continued to block every shot Varsity attempted to make until she blocked a shot which was blocked but she lost her balance and fell.

It was now period two and the score was still 0-0. "why did i come here."Sarah said to herself again on the edge of her seat. "why do i keep talking to myself?"

At this point of the game, Varsity was now just hurting the ducks to make them weak and either forfeit or be to weak to win.

Julie skated around the net to clear the puck but it got away from her and varsity then had the puck leaving the goal empty.

She was quick to jump in and grab the puck before it entered in making the audience cheer besides varsity's coach.

"Jesus fuck."Sarah whispered. "sorry i said Jesus so close to the word fuck."

Sarah groaned after seeing Guy getting harshly pushed into the barrier and not able to stand back up.


The game had started again after bringing Guy to the box to sit out.There was a couple second on the clock when the game started with Varsity tossing the puck to eachother before Charlie's got the puck and skated away quickly.

"Conway on the breakaway!Hes all alone!"

Charlie shot the puck but right before the puck went in, the buzzer went off so the score was still zero to zero making the everyone groan in annoyance.

"Two periods down and there's still no score. you really gotta wonder how much longer the freshman can take this pounding. okay and now it's a great pleasure to introduce our special surprise, in between period guest from the Anaheim mighty ducks and visiting friends in the twin cities area,N.H.L sensation Paul Kariya."

"i need a drink."Sarah sighed and stood up leaving her seat she asked Natalie to save for her.

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