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Everything was fine. That's how she knew it was a dream. She was in bed, sitting up. Then someone knocked on the door. The door on the right. But there was no door on the right. She told herself to wake up. NOW. She pinched herself. This was not a dream. The knocking was louder now. And it was behind her now. There was just a wall behind her. But there was now a door behind her. She looked down at her sleeping husband, his hair messy. She woke him. He looked up. "What is it hun?" On the left, there was another loud knock. Her husband, James, started to get up. "James. Who is knocking from the inside of our house?" His eyes widened. The last knock was now in the front of her. It sounded more like banging. She hugged James. Now, nothing was right. That's how she knew that this wasn't a dream. "We have to run now, sweetheart."James said. "Never in a million years, hun" This wasn't the first time that the Galfreans had done this to anyone. Bad things usually happened in Threeville. That's why they had come. To investigate. The only thing that they could do if they didn't want to die is open the door. The haunting door.

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