You all went down the stairs. "I don't understand, you've seen this before?" Robin asked. "Not exactly," Dustin replied. "Then what exactly?" Robin asked. "All you need to know is it's bad," Steve stated. "Like, end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad," Dustin explained. "Steve?" Erica asked, "Where's the Russian guy?" You all looked at the place where the Russian guy was on the floor. But, now he was gone. An alarm started blaring. Steve ran to the door, opened it, and closed it when some other Russian guy started running at him. "Shit! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" he demanded, starting to run. You all ran up the stairs and into the control room, only glass separating you and the machine. You all ran through a door, leading to the room with the machine. You pushed past everyone and ran through another door. You, Steve, and Robin held the door closed. Dustin and Erica went through a vent. "Go get some help!" you called. "I won't forget you!" Dustin hollered. "Go!" you and Steve yelled. The door burst open and you Steve, and Robin were sent flying against the wall. You made cracks in the wall.
You were tied up to a chair while Steve and Robin were tied up to chairs against each other. The reason why you got the easier escape method was that the Russians knew, just by the looks of you, that you would never, in a million years, try to escape. And they were right. Not unless someone did something to make you go beast mode. The Russian punched you across the face, for the 23rd time. "На кого вы работаете?" the Russian asked. (Who are you working for?) "Я же говорил, я работаю на себя," you groaned. (I told you, I work for myself.) The other Russian punched you in the stomach, yet again. You coughed out some blood. "Как вы вошли?" he asked. "Я искал свою доставку, и комната превратилась в лифт," you gurmbled. (I was looking for my delivery then the room turned into an elevator.) The soldier punched you across the face and you lost consciousness.
You woke up to Robin yelling "Help!" "Hey, could you keep it a little quieter over there?" you muttered. "Holy shit!" Steve exclaimed, "You okay?" "besides the fact that 'not really', I'm fine." "We got some good news," Robin said "They're gonna get you a doctor." "They said that?" you asked. "Yeah," Steve nodded. "Shit!" you mumbled, "They're gonna drug us." "How do you know?" Steve asked. "I know how a Русский thinks, I am one," you said. (Russian) "A what?" Steve asked, "Is that Russian for Russian?" "Yeah, I feel that was pretty obvious," you nodded sarcastically. Robin had a full-out confession about Steve and how she was obsessed with him in high school, and random shit like that.
A group of Russians came in. One of them in a lab coat. He drugged all three of you. Robin and Steve had to scream about it but you just stayed silent. You'd worked at a concentration camp before. Showing you felt something only made it worse. You would have a more likely chance of death. You didn't show pain. You didn't like to. To be honest, you stopped worrying about yourself a long time ago. You acted the exact same with the drug. Your attitude was the same. You just told the truth. It was technically a truth serum for you, but Robin and Steve were getting on your nerves. The Russians left the room and Steve and Robin were being very loud and obnoxious. You had enough after 10 minutes. "Can you guys just shut the hell up?!" It was silent after that. "Thank you," you mumbled.
The Russians came back 5 minutes later. They went to Steve first. "Let's try this again, yes?" The commander asked, in a Russian accent, "Who do you work for?" "Scoops," Steve chuckled, "Scoops Ahoy." Robin started giggling. "How did you find us?" the commander asked. "Totally by accident," Steve laughed. "Больше лжи," the commander told the doctor. (More lies) "Они не," you said. (They're not) "Не то, что?" the commander asked you. "Врущий," you muttered, "Частота его сердечных сокращений всегда увеличивается." (Lying. His heart rate always increases.) The doctor came to you with a pair of tweezer-type things. He started to pull the fingernail off your middle finder. You did your best not to show pain. "Wait! Wait! Wait!" Steve hollered. "There was a code! A code!" Robin called. The doctor stopped pulling. "What code?" he asked. "'The week is long. The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west.' Blah, blah, blah," Robin said, "You broadcast that stupid spy shit all over town, and we picked it up on our Cerebro, and we cracked it in a day. A day! You think you're so smart, but a couple of kids who scoop ice cream for a living, and her, cracked your code in a day, and now, people know you're here." "Who knows we're here?" The commander asked sternly. "Uh, well, Dustin knows," Steve said, "Yeah, Dustin Henderson, he knows." "Dustin Henderson," the commander said, "It is your small, curly-haired friend?" "Oh, curly-haired. Great hair. Small.Kind of like a 'fro. Yeah," Steve laughed. "Where is he?" the commander asked. "He's long gone, you big asshole," Steve chuckled, "And he's probably calling Hopper, and Hopper's calling the US cavalry. They're gonna come in here,commando-style, guns a-blazin', and kick your sorry asses back to Russia. You're gonna be two pieces of toast." "Is that so?" the commander sneered. "Yup," Steve nodded. Suddenly, an alarm started blaring. The commander left the room and all you could hear was soldiers yelling.
Suddenly, Dustin came charging into the room. He electrocuted the doctor with some lightning staff or some shit. The doctor fell to the ground, unconscious. "Hey, Henderson," Steve chuckled, "I was just talkin' about you." Dustin quickly untied all of you. Steve and Robin were unharmed, while you had a black eye, bloody and broken nose, possibly some broken teeth, bruises all over your face, a mild concussion, and blood dripping from your mouth. "Get ready to run!" Dustin warned.