Chapter 8: Escape

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In the comforts of your bedroom, you and Sidon held each other close. Your mother and Ezra walked in. Both of them seemed quite concerned. Sidon pulled away and gave them a reassuring nod. "You all stay safe while we're gone," you pleaded.

"Of course they'll stay safe, ____. They got Ezra to protect them," Sidon gave a smirk, and Ezra smiled and gave him a big hug.

"Will I see you again?" She craned her neck up at him.

"Of course you will. We won't be gone long—hopefully."

Zelda patted down your traveling clothes then set her hands on your shoulders, "You come back here if anything goes wrong. You hear me? Stay safe."

"I will," you gave her a quick hug. "Tell dad I said bye. Good luck with Wyatt."

"Bye-bye!!" Ezra enthusiastically waved. You and Sidon chuckled before taking out your slates and disappearing into a wave of blue light.

In seconds you materialized at the shrine by the Great Deku Tree. You rolled your shoulders back and began to make your way to the pedestal that held the master sword. When you finally reached it, you delicately set your hand on it. It amazed you how this very sword was used to defeat the reincarnations of Ganon time and time again. To think that Heroes just like your father held this same sword. Some were probably just children, teenagers, others barely adults—just like your father was. What adventures has this sword been through?

"Princess ____," a deep voice fluttered through the woods. You gasped and looked up at the Great Deku Tree. "What brings you here?"

"Great Deku Tree, I came here to be in hiding," you bowed. "It's quite a long story that I'll get into later, but essentially, my life is in danger. If we are correct, the enemies won't know how to traverse the Lost Woods. This should be the safest place, I hope."

"Very well. The Koroks would be more than happy to take you in."

"Thank you!" You made your way into the Deku Tree's trunk.

Little Koroks ran up to you, hearing the words of the Deku Tree. They insisted on helping you in whatever way they could. You tried telling them that all was well, but they wouldn't have it. Some were already cooking you a nice meal. Others were making sure that the leafy bed was nice and comfortable. Some were even informing you of the activities happening around if you ever got bored. Although, you ultimately decided to stay by the warm cooking pot.

"So, you're Mr. Hero's daughter?" One of the Koroks stared up at you.

"I am," you nodded.

"Is he gonna come here to?"

"Not to my knowledge."

"Why are you here anyway?" Another Korok chimed. "And didn't you have a boyfriend or something?"

"I do. It's a long story..." All the Koroks immediately sat themselves down, calling every other Korok to listen to the story. Even Hestu hurried in. You giggled and took in a deep breath, "Well, it all began three years ago..."


Sidon materialized to the shrine in Lurelin Village. He placed his Sheikah Slate in his small satchel and made his way down the hillside. He was soon greeted by an old man named Rozel, the village leader.

"Prince Sidon, what a surprise!" Rozel shook the Zora's hand. "What brings you all the way out here? General Wyatt send ya?"

"Not exactly," Sidon rubbed the back of his neck. "Could we speak in private?"

Rozel led Sidon to his home. There, Sidon explained everything to Rozel. The old leader rubbed his chin and nodded, "I see. So you want to seek refuge here?"

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