Chapter 18: Mark of a King

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You reached the last rings of the ladder and pulled yourself onto the sleek stonework. When you looked up, you saw your father smirking down at you. "What took you so long?" He asked.

You began to stammer and peered down at the shrine below. He was down there last time you checked. "How did you..." your words fizzled out.

"Ascend." He gestured to his new arm, and he began to make his way to the plaza. You gave a joking scoff and hurried to his side. "We should split up. I'll go ask Yona if she knows anything."

He hurried off, and you stopped in your tracks. "And I' something!" you said, now looking around wondering what to do. "Maybe I should check back in the throne room again."

Link hurried up the stairs to the infirmary. He saw Yona healing one of the sick patients. As he approached her, she finished healing the patient and began to move on to the next. Although, she noticed Link and turned to him. "Link, can I help you with anything?" She asked.

"Yes. Sidon asked ____ and I to help Jiahto with some research. We've made a discovery, and we need ask King Dorephan for some information. I know he has been out on an investigation. Do you have any idea of where he could be?"

She sighed, "No, in fact, he should have been back a couple days ago. Everyone assumes that he's still investigating, but I am worried for him. I don't know where he could have gone. If I just knew this Domain a little better, I just might have an idea. I'm sorry that I couldn't be much help to you."

"It's no problem. ____ and I will find him, I'm sure."

Link was about to turn away, but Yona caught his arm. "Wait, I completely forgot! This is unrelated to King Dorephan, but you had taken your Zora armor here to be repaired, did you not?"

"Oh yeah, I did that a couple months ago, actually. I completely forgot. It would be good to get that back."

"I believe I saw it in Dento's shop. It should be exactly as Mipha made it."

"Thank you, truly."

Meanwhile, you walked into the throne room to see much of the children playing around. Three of them, Tumbo, Keye, and Laruta, were playing on the platform in front of the throne. Even though you knew the task at hand, you grew curious and decided to near closer to them and eavesdrop on their conversation.

Tumbo sliced his hand through the air. "King Dorephan super punch! AND SUPER KICK! HYAH! I'm SOOO big and strong! WAH HA HA!"

Keye, his brother, pretended to fall on the ground. "Oh no! I got beat!"

Laruta began to sing, "The sludge is so yucky!"

"Augh! You got me you big, dumb monster!" Tumbo stumbled back. "There's no other choice! I need to hide in my secret spot! And that spot is... Hey!" You flinched slightly as Tumbo stared right at you. "Princess ____? Sorry, but no one else can play our King Dorephan game! So can you please go away?"

You chuckled slightly and took a step back. "My bad. I'll leave you three to it."

The three returned to their game. You began to make your way to the only adult in the room, but then you stopped. What the children said in their game, it was quite interesting. Sure it could all just be them imagining and playing fiction, but as you would know with your obsession with fairies when you were younger, even fiction had a small amount of truth to it.

You casually made your way to the side of Dorephan's throne. When no one was looking, you quickly dove into the water and found a shallow enough spot for you to peek at the game being played. You listened carefully.

Tumbo pretended to breathe heavily, "I-I did it...but...the sludge is too thick and gross! I have faiiilleedd!"

Keye ran up to his brother. "My king! King Dorephan! Please...uh...pretty please don't give up! Maybe we can go to that one place to hide?"

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