Chapter 9: Underworld

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Wyatt stared down the never-ending chasm in the arena of the Yiga Hideout. Food and weapon supplies were scattered everywhere. He felt quite uneasy as he noticed the malice-like goop coating the walls of the chasm. It made him wonder if this is where the Yiga were supplying the malice from. "There you are! Took ya long enough!" A plump figure walked up to him.

"M-Master Kogha?!" Wyatt turned to him and quickly kneeled down and bowed his head. "The others told me that they'd lead me to their leader. I didn't know... I thought Link killed you."

"My death was greatly exaggerated," he shrugged. "I mean, I would have died if it wasn't for my skill!"

"I don't understand," Wyatt stood up and peered down the hole. "What is all this?

"Why don't I show you? Come on. Let's get in the hot-air balloon."

"The what?"

Kogha led Wyatt to a big basket with a giant balloon attached to it. Under the balloon there was a placeholder with some dragon-looking device. Wyatt moved his head closer to it, confused as to what technology it was.

"How do we get it to work?" Wyatt tilted his head.

"With a good ole' smack!" Kogha whacked the strange device, and fire began spouting from its mouth. Wyatt jumped back and was left with even more questions as Kogha directed the balloon over the chasm and slowly down it. "Neat, isn't it? They're called Zonai devices. The Depths are FILLED with 'em!"

"The Depths? Zonai devices? Okay, let's take this slow. First of all, is this where all the malice is coming from? Was I getting my supply from this?" Wyatt gestured to the goop-covered walls.

"Malice is a thing of the past, my guy! That stuff you see right there is called gloom. It's different than malice. It saps your life away. So don't touch it! If it gets you, you'll have to go on the surface to let yourself heal up. So far, we haven't found an alternative cure for this stuff. And we were basically just giving you our surplus of malice."

"Interesting... So I assume the Depths has this gloom stuff everywhere. What is the Depths anyway?"

"See, when Link forced me down this unruly hole, it actually was a wonderful thing. I fell down into a world of darkness: filled with strange goop that can sap your life, monsters that do the same, new monsters that hop to and fro, abandoned mines, new ore, and most importantly, these Zonai devices. Now I know many think me for being stupid, but I've discovered and researched more than any of those lousy researchers on the surface ever have! I've basically conquered the Depths! Outposts are everywhere!"

"Amazing. All this time I assumed that the Yiga Clan disbanded to only a few surviving members. But then what about Raikin and Mandy?"

"Oh, them? They died, right? Well, they knew I was still alive. I don't know what the heck they were doing while I was busy down here, but I did appoint Raikin in charge of those on the surface. Guess all the power went to his head. Ha! Typical."

After plenty of more explanations and stories about previous events, the balloon finally lowered into the Depths. There was barely any light aside from a couple unfamiliar plants lighting the area.

"I've never seen those before," Wyatt awed as the balloon finally landed.

Kogha smacked the fire-emitter, shutting it off, "They're brightblooms, obviously. Now come on, we gotta make our way to Korok Grove. That's under Korok Forest, you know?"

"Alright. Wait. That's all the way across Hyrule! It would probably take ages to get there in this unknown terrain!"

"Not with our trusty ultra-flying-wings! Hey, you!" Kogha pointed at a footsoldier. "Get two ultra-flying-wings stat!" The footsoldier quickly nodded and hurried off.

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