Akkunxchifuyu be my date?

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Today was a festival for takemichi and his little group of friends Akkun Takuya, Makoto and Yamagishi and one of there newest members chifuyu. But a certain red head boy name akkun wanted to ask one of his new friend chifuyu out on a date and he needed his friends help on how to ask chifuyu out. And so that's we're we are in takemichi's room with a bunch of idiots trying to figure out how to ask a certain little blonde out.

Maybe I can give him another cat so his cat won't be lonely! Exclaim akkun thinking he solve the problem. Ahh I don't think that would be the best idea. Fuyu is was barely even able to keep peke j cause his mom can't stand animals. Takemich said as he look at his red head friend with sorrow in his eyes.

Honestly If I was you I would just gave up do you really think chifuyu would go out with you? I mean chifuyu has half the boys and girls in our school already simping for him! Said yamagishi as he look at his friend akkun up and down. Plus that you got to worry about those dogs aka toman since he's there sweet little angel. Yamagishi finished speaking as he use air quotes.

Shut up Yamagishi you're just jealous cause akkun has the balls to confess his feelings for fuyu well you don't cause you're to much of a puss! Takuya said as he glared at he's friend with glasses. But in all fairness he does have point toman is always up fuyu on who he dates takemich said as both him and makoto both nod in agreement.  Ahh so I see I will talk to toman I ask them for permission to date sweet little fuyu! Akkun yelled exactly with hearts in his eyes.

                         (Toman meeting)

So akkun I heard you want to ask our little fuyu out. Mikey said as he and the rest of the captains and vice captains look at akkun nervously looking at his feet. Y-yes and I wanted to ask you guys for your permission. Sutter akkun as he look up at the captains. Ahh I see and we will not allow you. I mean have look at your hair we must not let our little fuyu go out seen with you! Baji exclaim as he look akkun up and down as sanzu and smiley nod in agreement of what the fang boy said. Yes I see what you mean now baji this boy does have a funny hairstyle. Mikey said with mockery in his voice.

Now don't be so hard on the boy now. Draken said a she took pity for the read head boy yeah I think he will treat little fuyu good. Said mistuya as he also took pity for the boy.  Fine i guess he can go on a date with fuyu. But if you ever make fuyu cry or uncomfortable I'll have kazutora rip out both your teeth and finger nails. Said Mikey as he look dead serious at akkun. What Mikey you can't let him date fuyu! Yelled a mad baji. Run akkun before baji rips your head off!! Yelled takemichi as he and some other founders hold baji from committing a crime. And make sure to get him some manga and charlotte! Yelled a hakkia as he watch akkun run off to ask chfiuyu out.

Akkun was out of breath as he reach to chifuyu's door with new manga and a box of chocolate with a teddy bear with it. Ready akkun knocks on chfiuyu door. As akkun knock chifuyu answer the door with peke j in his hands and looking confused at akkuns appearance. Akkun what are you doing here? Ask a confused chifuyu looking at one of his new friends. W-well chifuyu was hoping to ask you out on a date with me the f-festival...and I got you these. Said a flustered akkun as he hand chifuyu the gifts he got him. Aww of course akkun I would love to go on a date with you! Yelled an exactly chifuyu as he carefully drop peke j and his gifts on the ground and hug akkun. Oh my gosh thank you chifuyu! Said akkun as he immediately hug chifuyu back.

For what silly? Ask chifuyu as he laugh at what akkun said. For making me the happiest man alive! Akkun explained as he kissed chifuyu's head. Well then you're welcome. Chifuyu said as he kiss akkun's cheek. Would you like to come inside and watch a movie with me? Yes please I would love that fuyu. And there was new happy young couple sitting on the little blonde sofa watching a movie.

 And there was new happy young couple sitting on the little blonde sofa watching a movie

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