Dog war?Allfuyu

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Today was a very special day because today was a meeting of toman and tenjiku forming together. Everyone was there but two people chifuyu and takemich. Where the fuck are they at!? Ask an angry Mikey. I don't know Mikey we been calling them for the past minutes and they haven't answered yet. Said a worry mitsayu. Video call them so we could figure out where they are. This time spoke an angry baji.

Hey guys they answered! Yelled draken as he showed the video call. Where the fuck are you guys and why are  you two not here!?!?! Yelled baji. Umm well baji-San we're in a war.... Said chifuyu as he look at the camera of his phone. A war with who? Ask angry confused. Well.....with dogs.....this time takemichi answered.

With dogs? Draken said. Yeah with dogs chifuyu said. And where exactly are you guys? Said smiley. Uhh up a tree. Said chifuyu calmly as takemichi showed them the tree they where on and the pack of dogs that was below them. Oh god that's a lot of dogs! Hakki said surprise. Yeah well we wouldn't be up here if chifuyu didn't call them a bitch! Takemich yelled as he look at chifuyu. Hey! You can't blam me you know dog language is very hard to learn! And it's not my fault they make friend and bitch sound so much alike! Yelled chifuyu as he flicked takemich forehead.

Wait what so your telling me that you two got in some war with a bunch dogs out of nowhere?. Ask kazutora very confused about the situation. That's a very good question kazutora I think takemich can answer that for you. Said chifuyu as he gave take a false smile. Umm well it wasn't my fault that I didn't see the bone!!! Confess takemich as he crossed his arms. Yeah yeah that's what he says. Because of you I can still feel them clawing at my face!

Wait what!?! Ask the rest of the toman yeah you think that dog would just let us free heck no he called his little dog gang and clawed us! Chifuyu told the rest.

Man I wanted to tell him so bad that he was dumbfuck for burning his ass on the heated fan but I couldn't- *crack* partner did you just break that dog bone? Ask chifuyu as him and takemich look on the ground to find a broken dog bone. W-well wasn't my you were distracting me with the whole ass burning! Confess takemichi.

The two we're auguring until they heard some low Crowl and there they were met with a pack of wild dogs and the rest us history.

Gosh why are you two such idiots! This time yelled draken who was clearly irritated by the situation. Well we didn't-*bark bark!* chifuyu was about to say but was interrupted by loud barks. What d-did they say fuyu? Ask an scared takemichi. If I'm right he just said if we don't come down the tree then they're going to drag us down... answer an scared chifuyu.

Fuyu darling don't do nothing ok and make sure that idiot takemichi doesn't do something too. Mistuya told in a clam voice. Yeah fuyu don't worry we'll find you guys. This time spoke kazutora along with a nodding baji. Oh good heavens-AHHHH!!!!! Before chifuyu could finish a dog carb takemichi by the leg. Ahhhh partner I don't want to die! Scream takemichi as the dog began to pull him down.

Don't worry partner take my hand! Said chifuyu as takemichi and him hold on to each other for dear life. Ahh fuyu if I die just to let you know I'm in love with you I want to have my children! Confess takemichi as the dog and chifuyu play tug of war with him. THAT! Yelled the rest of toman on the phone partner I really do appreciate your honesty but you do know that I am a male so I can't have your kids? Said chifuyu as she look at takemich funny.

Ohhh yeah...well then I want to adopt kids with you! Again confess takemich. Hell! No you are not having kids with our fuyu! Yelled kazutora and baji in the phone. Guys! Can we not talke about this right now! Yelled an irritated chifuyu. Ahh fuck where this mother fucker come from yelled chifuyu as a another dog came and started attacking him. Fuyu are you guys okay ask a worry smiley. He was about to ask again until they saw the phone drop but still on the video call and , chifuyu and takemich fighting off a bunch dogs

What the's like those dogs are ninjas said a Mikey as he watch but sonly the video ends due to one of the dogs stepping on it. Oh shit we have to find them. Said draken. Yeah but how they didn't tell us where they were. Said angry that was worry for his friends.

As the toman were discussing the plan they didn't notice two figures at the entrance. Until baji turn around shot at the sight. Oh god what happened to you guys!? Ask mitsayu like a worry mother. If you think we look bad you should see the others. Said chfiuyu with a bloody nose that was dripping inside his mouth and an bloody are as he had a few scars now on his face. With an nodding takemichi by him with a black eye and his clothes shred up a little and his leg bloody too.  Oh my god fuyu look at you face it has scars now. Said hakki as he took chifuyu face in his hands. What you don't think I look badass said chifuyu with a playful smile.

The most badass said kazutora as he wink at chifuyu that giggled as the rest gave deathly stare. Well me and takemich are no longer at war with the dogs. Said chifuyu who smiled
Well we think? Confess takemich yeah hopefully we don't run into them. Said chifuyu nervous. Yeah yeah now explain to us again what happened. Said Mikey wanting to hear the tea of how it happened. 

                              🐶The end🐶

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