Round 2 - Scaredy Cat

43 8 9

Prompt: Set the scene and create a dynamic dialogue between the two characters.

The confession of a stranger leaves your character confused but will they answer your questions? 

480 (min) to 500 (max)

This is fanfic about....well you'll know about it.


"Bloody hell!" He said walking into the empty room fidgeting with his hands, looking for any other way to do it, but he knew there wasn't any; he had to confess to his crimes, she should know it; she deserved to know

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"Bloody hell!" He said walking into the empty room fidgeting with his hands, looking for any other way to do it, but he knew there wasn't any; he had to confess to his crimes, she should know it; she deserved to know.

With this many people in the house this was the only time of night, the burrow was silent enough to have a private conversation.

"What was so important Ron, that you had to wake me up in the middle of the night! It better be really important or I swear you'll be eating maggots for the rest of this week." Saying that she whipped out her wand, aiming it directly at my neck.

My eyes became widespread with fear, my legs tingling much more than before. Bloody hell! This wasn't going to go well, at all.

Hermione was very able with her wand to say a least, once she turned one of my sugar quills to a ...well,

"Just sit for a minute, I'll explain everything, just please keep your wand away." I spoke, bracing myself for whatever she would do.

She politely nudged it away, but I had a feeling it was going to make a way back into our conversation, briskly and harshly.

"So, what do want to say?" Hermione said, now wide awake.

"Maybe we should go back to sleep-"


Here we go.

"Fred and George burned down all of your textbooks!"

"What!" She yelled, while starring straight into my soul.

"Yeah, well Fred and George were trying out portable swamps but it somehow turned into a big fire and well they threw in your textbooks to slow down the fire!" I said with a wheezing voice.

"Why would they do that?"

"I don't know!"

"Wait, they know how to use protective charms, Ron what did you do?" She questioned.

"Oh, Bloody hell"

"I was going to burn down my books at the end of the school year, but George and Fred replaced mine with yours, and I burned down yours instead! I am really sorry, I didn't know, please don't kill me." I spoke as fear dripped into every inch of my being; it was today when I died. All done by Hermione Granger, I would never get to be the captain of Gryffindor quidditch captain, kiss a girl, get rich, be famous, be the minister of magic. Nothing! All because of Fred and George, I should come back like nearly headless nick and haunt them forever!

Wait, a second, her eyes seemed relieved, she was calm not vexed or gutting me for destroying her books she was eerily calm, like she was going to kill me slowly.

"Do you think if I was coming to the Burrow for the summer holidays; I would leave my books out!" She laughed so hard, I thought she went bonkers.

"They are in my bag, faraway from any Weasleys. I think you burned down Harry's books."

"Ron did what!" Harry said walking down the stairs.



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