Round 3 - Suicide mission

68 11 44

Prompt: - You are tasked with a covert mission deep behind enemy lines. Soon things take a turn for the worse, what happened? You can use any characters in any setting as long as it's action-packed. Oh, and you can only write in active voice.

750 (min) and 800 (max)



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Two K-9 ferocious dogs rotating every half hour.

At least 4 lookouts meander on each balcony.

Julia's piercing glance spotted 20 guards armed with weapons bigger than her size, at the front entrance.

Twice as many in the back.

Ebony trees surrounded her view. She camouflaged into the hill she was laying at; her grass net made it impossible for anyone to identify her.

She had a crystal-clear field of vision of one window.

It wasn't the best but it had to do.

She was the top of her class, the best sniper in her league but she wasn't supposed to be on this mission. She was supposed to be on leave, marrying the love of his life. He died a day before the wedding in a car crash. She only saw the embers of the burnt body. Nothing else.

But nothing took her mind off like work; she couldn't say no to it either. The orders came directly from the top.

Close secluded mission. Only one man in and one out. Like it never happened. She would be disowned if caught; that's how it went in her line of work.

Two countries had amenable peace treaties until one of them decided to kidnap the other's leading scientist. He was working on something big and dangerous. She was told just that much. He was to be silenced before he could say anything. She didn't like the assignment either but the government figured it would be much easier than sending a big team and getting him out of there merely to start a war. Saving a worthy soul wasn't worth the war.

The victim was last seen wearing a cherry, rhubarb T-shirt and black-rimmed glasses. She hadn't even seen the victim's face because the matter was highly sensitive. She pondered how the victim was eerily similar to his husband.

He was the sweetest guy with the kindest smile and a quirky loving nature. He loved her more than his job. They hit it off as soon as they met. Their friends called them soulmates.

Now, she was cursed by his memories. She felt dejected, desolated coming home to an empty abode.

She wondered how helping her country mattered when she couldn't even help her husband.

She remembered what her boss said, "The castle is where they were holding the scientist, two stories tall, with no easy entry or exit. The grass is sprouting out from the wilted greasy bricks. The fortress has a timbered roof with a cone-like shape to let the snow out. You cannot go through the roof or the front exits. Guards are ex-military, with assault rifles and trust issues."

Suddenly, a thunder of cars came through the asphalt, heavily secured entrances. There were 3 SUVs, with tinted windows. A guard came out yelling orders. The boss came next she was the major, most fearsome drug dealer in her country. Her sunflower dress willowed in the musty sun, she had rapacious eyes, looking for her prey. She wasn't supposed to be here, this mission might just turn into catastrophy.

Julia's eyes turned to the guards heaving havoc inside the castle. She spotted hustle and bustle quite easily. Then came the scientist she figured. Slightly tattered T-shirt with hints of crimson dropping from his arm. She presumed it was his blood. His face was covered with an ochre-brown sack. They were directly in front of the window.

She calibrated her gun for the perfect kill shot. She patiently waited while the scope in her rifle turned the image quality better and better until she could almost see their lips. She was trained to kill but somehow today her hands wiggled at the sight of killing someone innocent. She thought it wasn't fair but so was life. Cruel to everyone. Her shaky fingers crept closer and closer to the trigger. No, going back from here she thought. All of sudden they ripped out the kidnapped scientist's hood; his turquoise eyes seemed a bit too familiar so did the mole on his cheek.

"Oh, God!" Her voice whimpered at the end.

The victim, the kidnapped scientist was her husband. He was very much alive. Did they lie to her? The question came across her like a can of open worms. Eager to devour her senses. Knocking out any logic. They sent her to kill his husband, what kind of sick game were they playing? It took her two microseconds to work out the new details of her plan, she was going in, getting him out whatever it cost her.

She won't let him die again! 

Not over her dead body!

Not over her dead body!

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