Round 5- Early Christmas present

18 3 8

1.2k words - Fantasy and Action Mashup

Prompt: Exactly what it says, write us a mashup of the two above-mentioned genres. What are the prompt specifics? Nope,  that's it, the rest is up to your imagination.



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Exhausted - yes she was.
Nervously ticking her leg - yes she was.
Thinking about all the ways she ruined her future - yes she was.

Ding ding ding.
What did she win for getting all the answers right. Nothing!

Today was the absolute worst day of her life. She risked her once in the lifetime opportunity and now she didn't have a backup option, she didn't have anyone to rely on. No family and friends who had their own issues she couldn't impede on them. She barely had enough money in her bank account to get groceries for the week and had to walk back three miles to her home with a giant rucksack, after being fired because she couldn't get a taxi. Moreover throughout that journey it poured, so now she was soaking wet. What a day it was!

She loomed over her antique apartment .It looked like someone spit it out of a horror movie. Green ivies spouting out of every corner. It resembled a 1980s ancient house, it was initially painted ochre but after decades of rust, mud and horrid neighbours it had turned it's colour to a musty brown accompanied by an acrid smell of trash which ironically was never thrown out.

A swift wind knocked her back to reality the door wasn't dirty and looked clean. But her luck wasn't that great or so she thought, at least not today so she went near to the door and saw a piece of paper stuck with tape to it .She held her breath hoping her worst nightmares didn't come through then she blew out a breath and saw...

In bold red letters were the two words no tenant ever wanted to read 'Eviction notice!'

When she thought this day couldn't get worse it did. Though it still wasn't the worst day of her life that was when she was 10 years old, she never had a mum and her dad her thoughts drifted while she tugged the bracelet on her arm. Whenever she thought of him she did this, it gave her comfort, something to hold on to. When that someone wasn't there.

The bracelet's thread held barely by a strand even after after all these years. It had colourful cubes with different coloured letters printed on them spelling "Kiddo."

As if in cue, from a poof of  mist , a shadow appeared looming over her head.

"Anna, what are you doing here?" The voice said when she had the urge to wake up showing silent tears streaming down from her face. He had a giant white beard, blue eyes, a fat belly, crimson outfit with similar looking bags.

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