Round 7- The Befallen princess

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Prompt:  Write a 2k-word one-shot. The prompt is open, as in anything action-packed, all we want to see are these three things incorporated into your story:

A betrayal no one saw coming

The words: "Building trust is the first step in a perfect betrayal."

And lastly a big old cliffhanger.


If someone told you I was a modern-day Rapunzel, locked away just with all of the riches in the world, you would laugh at me

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If someone told you I was a modern-day Rapunzel, locked away just with all of the riches in the world, you would laugh at me.

Alas, fate finds mockery at the worst of times and best of circumstances. Yet here I am 15 years later out of my prison, just to go to another one.

I look out of my airplane window, the sun is setting magnificently over those clouds, during the twilight hours, sparing just enough rays so the atmosphere becomes luminescent yet godly. The golden lights seem to seep their way through the cotton balls, cutting the air, and straight out of the window and into my sobbing eyes. I rapidly shut it down.

I, Ruby Jhang was the ambassador's daughter and I was on this trip because my father was dying. Apparently, he had been for quite a while and no one seemed o tell me anything about it. Was I just supposed to feel nothing? I was desolate that he was dying but couldn't he have the decency to tell me that himself! I knew he was working tirelessly day and night but other fathers found time for their daughters, and mine was especially unresponsive yet now I couldn't complain about it anymore, who would I complain to anyway.

I hadn't seen him in 4 months, and our calls were banned because someone might trace it and find where I live. That was the one thing no one could afford. Rapunzel couldn't be found, right?

"Coffee?" This time the flight attendant asked more wearily and precariously. I guess I lost track of my thoughts.

"No, thanks! She won't have any." The lady beside me replied, she was in her 40s wearing a suit made of silk that could just cut you, and her auburn hair was tied into a perfectly trimmed bun, not a hair out of place. She was sophisticated and yet her deep melancholy eyes showed something was troubling her. She had always been impeccable, on the dot, the first one to come, the last one to leave. She was my father's secretary, yet ironically, she lived with me. She was the great Aldrin Bloom.

"When will we reach?" I questioned wanting to see my father as soon as possible.

"Just in a couple of hours dear." She replied, her smile was radiating now, like she was absolutely sure nothing could happen or maybe she just pondered if I little positivity could help me. It couldn't. Nothing could. I had always wanted to see life on the outside, looking out for the weird neighbors, finding a passion, and living my life while dancing and singing through New York, though that was quite imaginative. But under these circumstances, I just wanted to get to my father as soon as possible. It's weird how you have wanted something all your life and suddenly the one thing you take for granted comes to slap you back in the face. Then that's the thing you are suddenly wishing for, isn't worth it anymore.

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