Round 6- Do or Die!

20 3 4

1.2K words - Adventure mashup with Action

Prompt: Exactly what it says, write us a mashup of the two above-mentioned genres. What are the prompt specifics? Nope, that's it, the rest is up to your imagination.



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"ROI is a performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of several investments. ROI measures the amount of return on an investment related to that investment's costs."

"What the hell did you just say?"

He turned at the voice of his best friends looming around the corner, it was Joseph and Mary. He was wearing a silk sweater over a grey hoodie and blue jeans. He wasn't what we call a fashionista but it worked somehow because everything he wore brought out his hazel eyes.

Hand in hand was her partner for 7 years, Mary was a successful entrepreneur and her job was her first and only baby, she launched her first set of pharmaceuticals and they rocked through the world. She is always there for her friends yet always on her phone. She wore a tight blue skirt and crop-top with a V-neck, and a tiny hat that brought the outfit together.

Those were my friends in sum and me, I was an accountant, I had the calmest job in the world, nothing to worry about, no one to impress.

"I was just asking about my life insurance policy, if I die who gets the return?"

"Oh, you are so funny, Mack!" Rosie said laughing in a way only she could, grabbing the whole room's attention, "We planned to go climb a cliff today, but this dummy got an extra ticket so you are coming with us." She said pointing to Joseph.

"Dude don't worry what happens to money you have collected over the years, I'll take it!" Joseph said very enthusiastically." I had no real family, but Joseph had always been my brother, so it made sense for all of it to go to him, but he did seem a little too happy for that.

"But it was a real question!" I muttered in despair, I hated going out doing anything athletic, sportive, or even that involved moving in dangerous places. Why the hell did she think I was an accountant, nothing spontaneous or deadly scary things happened around here.

But I knew whatever I said wasn't going to be heard if Rosie put her mind to something no one couldn't change it. So why bare the pain?

"Let's go!" I yelled hoping someone would save me before I fall off the damn cliff. (Spoiler alert" No one did.)

As soon as we reached the mountain my eyes drained at seeing something this humongous, it was probably 1500 feet which is as tall as it gets, my loopy eyes decided to run for my life because there was no way I could ever do this, or come back in one piece but just then my eyes deterred towards her.

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