Hello, I'm the doctor!

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I was fixing the TARDIS. After so many years I finally decided that it was time to fix that chameleon circuit which had been broken for what felt like eternity. That police box form had represented my lives for what felt like forever. It was time to start over. Forget all that past. I was a new man. But while i was fixing it, a strange white light covered the control room. I had seen this before. With Jack and Rose. This was a transmat beam.

I woke up dizzy in the middle of... An estate? London? I looked at my watch. 2006. Oh no.I wanted to get out quickly. I looked around. I saw some strange ghostly figures moving around, playing with the children, walking with the adults. I remembered this all too well. Cybermen. Should I warn someone? No! That would completely change the future, what was I thinking? Darting around aimlessly, I realised that I didn't have the TARDIS with me. No way of getting back, no way of travelling! What was I going to do? Wait! 2006! I need to find myself. Knowing me I would be at Rose's Flat at this point. Which Estate was I at? I looked at a sign round the corner. POWELL ESTATE. That didn't take long did it? Straightening my bow tie, I thought of a plan.

I had to find the doctor. Not myself, but the previous me. If there is one thing to know about me it's that I run. And I always find myself in trouble. Well that's where I had to go first. Trouble. I had to go to Torchwood, the centre of the current trouble. But it was okay, because I'm good at getting into places. I had a plan. Well I say a plan, I mean half a plan, I had no idea what I was going to do once I got to Torchwood.

I looked through Rose's window. Sure enough, there I was, looking all clever, not knowing the loss i was going to suffer, and the bigger ones I would suffer in the future. I looked at me. No. He looked at me. Our eyes interlocked for a moment. It felt like I was looking into pain and loss, like I saw myself. I ducked down so he thought he just imagined me. Hopefully he'd think nothing of it, as i am re-writing time just by being here, as I don't remember seeing myself. Right, time to set off to Torchwood.

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