Part 20

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After Gaviria had been elected president all of the agents and the ambassador were called for a meeting with Gaviria. "We killed Gacha with a minimal loss of life. Bringing Escobar to justice is my number one priority. But we will do so on our own terms and own resources." Gaviria explained "We wanna help you catch Escobar." Ambassador Noonan spoke "I have enormous gratitude to you, especially with Agents Murphy and Barlowe. They have helped immensely and Murphy's warnings kept me off that plane." Gaviria continued "You, sir, yes. Unfortunately, not the rest of the passengers." Murphy said "The people in Columbia are horrified about the bombing of Avianca's plane." Gaviria's bodyguard spoke "But they're also against American soldiers on our soil, and spy planes intercepting calls, so--" the bodyguard continued "America doesn't intercept civilian phone calls. That's absurd." Wysession's partner said. "Mr. President, you need additional resources to get to this man." Peña said to Gaviria. "Well...your government research says...660 tons of cocaine were consumed in the United States last year." Gaviria replied. "Perhaps if your resources were focused at home, we'd all be better off." Gaviria said and Wysession scoffed. They all went back to the office, they couldn't do anything but sit on the sidelines, their hands tied by bureaucracy.

"Right here we got Escobar's most trusted soldiers: Poison, La Quica, Sure Shot, and Blackie. Cocky, careless motherfuckers." Peña began explaining to Wysession's partner "Now we're hearing about two new guys: Fernando Galeano and Kiko Moncada. These two guys are basically picking up where Carlos Lehder left off." Barlowe continued "Kill the body, the head will die." Murphy said. "Without Columbian permission to put assets in the air, we can't help." the other agent explained. "In terms of intercepts, yeah, but what do you guys got on ground intel?" Murphy asked as he sat down next to Peña. "You mean spies?" the agent asked "Yes." Murphy replied. "We don't have any narco assets." the agent sighed and chuckled "Our human intelligence is limited to communists. Besides, Gaviria doesn't want you chasing Escobar with CIA spies." he continued "Yeah, but you have satellites in the sky, right?" Barlowe asked "Yes, but to use them in pursuit of narcos would be a direct violation of the order of our host country." the agent replied. "Man, you're CIA. You break rules all the time." Peña said as he reached for his cup of coffee. They then went to a conference room with Wysession and the agents. Peña, Murphy, and Wysession argued until Barlowe spoke up. "Yes these are aerials and yes that makes it hard to track but look at these cars. The narcos are the only ones who can afford this shit which makes it easier to track them." she explained "That's right." Peña nodded "We track these down and we have a better chance of catching Escobar." Barlowe continued and then the meeting was over.

"Are you seeing this shit?" Barlowe asked Peña and Murphy as she watched TV. "What's she saying?" Murphy asked "Pablo is having people kidnapped off of the goddamn streets." Barlowe said. "We need to find him before Gaviria caves." Barlowe said and the agents nodded their heads. "This car is parked here in every single shot, never moves." Barlowe said as she looked at aerial pictures and a map. "That's" Carillo circled on the map "Alright, let's go." Peña said and they loaded into cars. As they drove, they spotted the red car pulling into the space it seemed to remain in, in the aerial shots. They all jumped out of their car, pistols in hand. "Hands up!" Murphy yelled "Why are you driving this car?" Carillo asked the woman in Spanish "I don't know...someone paid me 50,000 pesos to drive it around the city." the woman said with her hands up. The agents lowered their weapons and they all sighed. Barlowe, Murphy, and Peña then took it upon themselves to go into the comunas without backup. They got a location and Steve drove them there.

The three agents, pistols in hand, slowly walked up to the building, seeing two men inside talking. Suddenly, there was gunfire toward the agents so they began firing back. "THIS WAY!" Vanessa yelled as she chased the two men down the hill. People screamed as the three agents ran in separate directions to catch them. Barlowe ran up the steps after Poison shot at her, chasing after him. He quickly jumped across a building, and Barlowe did the same, desperate to catch him. Suddenly, Murphy caught up to Barlowe "Duck!" he yelled as a bullet was fired near Barlowe's head. "Go, go, go!" Murphy yelled and both he and Barlowe began sprinting. They made it onto a roof where Poison had his gun pointed directly at Barlowe. Barlowe slowly put her gun down and Murphy looked at her, he could tell she was a little scared but he put his gun down as well. Poison squeezed the trigger and the gun clicked. Barlowe immediately lept forward and grabbed her gun as Poison jumped off of the roof. She shot...and almost hit. "Fuck!" she yelled before running over and aiming to shoot him on a motorcycle "FUCK!" she yelled even louder. 

"Fuck, let's just go get Javi." she said, defeated. They both walked down the stairs and met up with Javier in the alley before walking to the house they were in, to begin with. When they walked inside, they saw bodies on the floor and a baby in a highchair, cooing at them. Vanessa stood there, speechless, as Steve sat on the floor, and JAvier leaned against a chair. "We gotta...we gotta take her." Steve sniffled. "And do what?" Javier asked "Take care of her, man, I don't know." Steve shook his head and wiped his eyes. Vanessa looked down at him before nodding. She slowly walked over and picked up the baby, who grabbed Vanessa's hair in her hands and smiled. "Steve." Vanessa spoke softly before placing her hand on his shoulder "C'mon." she told him and he stood up "Javi?" Vanessa looked at him "I'll drive." Vanessa told the guys as she handed the baby to Steve. They walked to the car, Vanessa dropped Javi off at his apartment, and drove her and Steve home. THey both walked inside and Steve walked over to Connie, sniffling, with the baby in his arms.

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