Part 15

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"That checks out." he spoke as he looked at her. As he watched Vanessa, he couldn't think of anything to say, he just was stuck thinking about what just happened. "Javi, come on!" Vanessa giggled "I think it's time we get you home." he told her as she swayed over to him "Why?" she asked as she placed her free hand on his shoulder "We have work in the morning, come on." he told her and she groaned before Javier took her hand in his and walked her to his car. "Where are you taking me?" she asked with a smile "To my place, I don't want you driving." he told her before getting in the driver's seat and making his way to his apartment. "What about my car?" she frowned while looking out of the window. "I can take you to get it tomorrow morning, I just don't want you driving yourself home, okay?" Javier looked at Vanessa. "Okay, Javi." she smiled to herself as she rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. "Let's get you inside." Javier spoke as he pulled Vanessa out of the car. She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck as he drug her to her feet. 

"Come on, Vee." Javier whispered. Vanessa remained barely conscious before Javier lifted her legs and carried her inside, gently placing her in his bed. "Goodnight." he said before turning off the light.  The following day Vanessa was awoken by the sun shining in her eyes. "Jesus." she groaned as she rolled over to shield her eyes. She fully opened her eyes and looked next to her to see one of Javier's shirts on the bed. Her eyes widened as she slowly sat up and looked around. "Morning, sunshine." Javier spoke as he walked into the room. Vanessa looked at him, her eyes still wide. "How's your hangover?" he questioned "I made some coffee in case it was bad." he told her and she continued to stare with wide eyes. "You okay?" he asked with concern in his voice "Mhm." she nodded "If you wanna get your coffee, I can take you to pick up your car from the bar." Javier told Vanessa "Yeah..sure." she spoke before getting out of the bed. The ride was silent as Vanessa sipped her coffee. "Thanks." she spoke as she exited Javier's car and into hers. "See you at work?" he asked and she just nodded before slamming her car door shut and resting her head on the steering wheel. "There's no fucking way." she whispered to herself, her eyes closed. "We had sex and I don't even remember it." Vanessa shook her head before starting the car and driving to her place to get work clothes.

She opened the door and saw Steve pacing the living room. As he heard the door open he quickly turned around "Nessa!" he exclaimed before walking over to her and grabbing her shoulders "What's your deal?" she asked "Where the hell have you been?!" he raised his voice "Dude, I don't even know. The last thing I remember is Javier telling me you told him I was into music and then I woke up in his bed so.." she shook her head and Steve let go "You-" he began "I don't know." she told him before walking past him and going into her room, changing into professional clothing. Now dressed in work clothes, Vanessa walked down the stairs, ready to leave. "Someone's in a rush. Our shift doesn't start for 30 minutes." Steve told her as he looked at his watch. "I like being early." she said as she walked outside "Ness, you okay?" Steve called out and she stopped walking "Yeah. Fine." she told him and he nodded as she got in her car and drove to work. "Hey." Peña said as Vanessa entered the building. "Oh...hi." she replied "You enjoy yourself last night?" he asked while walking Vanessa to her office "Javi...Peña the last thing I remember before waking up in your bed was you talking to me about some shit Steve said about me." Vanessa told him and Javier's face dropped. "So you don't remember-" he began "No. I don't." she cut him off "Look, I'm sorry I don't remember much, okay?" she apologized after taking in a deep breath. "No, it's okay. I can make it up to you, take you somewhere without alcohol." he said "I'd like that." Vanessa smiled and nodded.

"Oh, the ambassador wants to see you, me, and Murph when he gets here." Peña told Vanessa "Got it." she nodded before walking away. Peña stayed staring at her, how could she not remember? Sure she was drunk but something that major?

A few minutes later, Murphy walked into the building and Peña knocked on Barlowe's office door, letting her know that Murphy was there and they could go see the ambassador. "Agents." she began as the three agents sat down. "What was the informant's motive?" the ambassador asked "Could be money. The award for Gacha is one million US. I'd say that's pretty good motivation." Peña explained. "He spends his life on the run if we don't catch him." Murphy added. "Something else going on with this guy." Barlowe shook her head "It's worth taking a risk." Peña said to the ambassador, pushing for her to let him find Gatcha. "Peña, you go to Cartagena. Soley in an observational capacity. We want this man captured alive, if possible." the ambassador instructed and looked at Murphy next. "Murphy stays here in Bogatá. Gaviria's press conference is tonight, and I wanna make sure that whatever he plans to say, he gets to say it." she ordered and then looked at Barlowe in the middle. "Yes, ma'am." Steve and Javier nodded after getting their instructions. The ambassador sighed as she looked at Barlowe. "Go with Peña." she said and Murphy looked at Barlowe, his eyes wide. "But-" Barlowe began "My decision is final." the ambassador said and Barlowe sat back in her chair.

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