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As I opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed was the rustling leaves above my head. I realized that I was surrounded by all trees. Encaging me from the cold ground was an old, dirtied white bath, moss growing over the edges with flowers around it. Stretching my leg to get up, I peeked at my surroundings only to realize that I was circled by tall alder trees. My heart started pounding in my ears as I was left alone with nothing but the sound of the forest to keeping me company.

Slowly, my feet made their way deeper into the woods as if they had a mind of their own. Or maybe it was just my instinct kicking in. Deeper I went, only to finish in a lovely, spaced out garden. A clearing full of wild flowers neatly kept around a path. And further down, a house. A dark, heartless mansion built out of stones and sweat, with tall windows and doors as if giants lived in it. It wasn't my first visit.

I continued my way towards the building, first reaching the fountain of the garden a few meter away from the stone walls. It was a true art piece, a tall, three stages, center piece nicely carved by hands giving it the most extravagant design one could see. Water sprouted from the top of it, flowing down and creating a beautiful blurry skirt.

My fingers reached for the edge, trailing the soft material of the art piece. I carefully bend over it, taking a glance at the clear liquid inside of it, only to be met with the brightest green eyes I had ever seen. My own. Full of shock and wonder. Soon, my hand found its way to my face tracing the soft features of it.


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