↳ 𝑐ℎ𝑝.2

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"I see that some things didn't change over the summer," The young girl sighed, walking side by side her tall blond friend.
"What? Did you expect me to stay silent?"
Alvena only sighed once more at his answer, keeping her emotionless gaze up in front of her and away from any distraction, "I guess I wished too much from you, you're still a Malfoy after all. You'll act out of stupidity no matter what as long as you get that slight ego boost."
And before Draco could reply, they got stopped by the voice of Cornelius Fudge himself indicating that they were now in the box they were awaited at.
"Ah if it isn't the lovely Alvena Blythe!" The minister walked over to the pair, placing a polite kiss on the young girl's fingers. "I'm glad you could make it, of course it would've been even better if your parents had joined us but I can't imagine all the work they must have at the moment."
"Yes, they were rather saddened when they learned they wouldn't be able to attend today's event." The black haired girl smiled at the man.
"Yes, yes. Oh here, these are your seats for the show." The man motioned towards two soft cushioned chair right to the edge of the box, "hope they are to your liking."
"Of course, thank you sir.." Draco politely nodded to the minister leading Alvena and himself toward the said seats.
Both teenagers settled themselves watching as Cornelius Fudge neared the railing of the box accompanied by another man, Ludo Bagman. The minister took out his wand, pointing it at his throat and casting in a whisper, "Sonorus." He then spoke over the screams and thunder of the packed stadium, his voice echoing in every corner of the stands.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome! Welcome to the final of the 422 Quidditch World Cup!" The spectators screamed and clapped, waving their flags. Seeing that the minister continued, "And now, without further ado, allow me to introduce... the Bulgarian Team Mascots!"
Alvena couldn't help but roll her eyes as soon as the first women entered the pitch. She leaned back into her seat, arms crossing over her stomach as she watched nearly a hundred Veela gliding onto the stage. Out of anything they could've chosen they took Veela.
In the stands, people stood at the edge of their seats, clenching their hands in order to resist the urge to jump in and join the ladies. Suddenly, music started playing and the Veela started to dance, waving their bodies to the rhythm.
Their skin shined like moon-shine and their white-gold hair were floating in the hair somehow making their appearance even more appealing to the eye. They moved around faster and faster making the crowd roar like mad people.
"This is so stupid."
Alvena's eyes widened in pure shock as her head turned to the right, straight towards Draco who just like her was leaned back into his seat with an unbothered look. The young boy had his elbow leaning on the arm of his chair with his cheek resting on his clenched fist.
He sighed as he watched a man of the box get up from his seat and reach for the railing, raising on of his leg to cross over the metal fence and jump off into the pitch. The platinum boy rolled his eyes at the mayhem and slowly turned towards his friends, his silver eyes instantly locking into her scarlet ones.
"What?" He arched a brow at her, "Want something?"
At lost of words the Blythe girl broke the eye contact moving to look at her joined hands in her laps and straightening herself in her seat. "No, I... nothing."
Alvena's mind wandered away into nothingness, her head clearing from every thought she once had to leave nothing. She zoned out completely blocking the entire world around her, even so that she missed the giant green and gold comet that came zooming into the stadium, splitting into two smaller comets.
The two zoomed into a goalposts before a beautiful rainbow arced suddenly across the pitch, connecting the town balls of light. People were in awe of the scenery in front of them. And with all the festivities done, the match begin. Bulgaria against Ireland.
The station cheered and screamed as their favourite teams played one another. Sweats glistened on the forehead of the team players and grunts were exchanged. Draco now stood on the edge of his seat, emerged in the show he had been waiting for. As for Alvena, she was just there, eyes void and expression blank as if she wasn't even paying attention to anything that was happening.
"Alvena, don't let them catch you."
A hand waved in front of her face, catching her off guard and pulling her out of her daydream. The pale hand in front of her fell down giving a clear view of the platinum blind haired boy that was crouching in front of her.
"The match finished minutes ago, you alright?" He looked at her questionably, to which she replied with a simple 'yes'.
The girl looked around as people we're leaving, climbing down the stairs of the tall stadium. She slowly got up from her seat, trying to wake her dead asleep legs.
Right as she was about to walk away to exit the box a warm hand found it's way around her neck, slightly pulling her backward.
Turning around, her red eyes met with the grey ones of Draco Malfoy. His expression had fully changed into something she couldn't comprehend, concern maybe? That wasn't quite it.
The boys hand remained on her own, his mouth opening and then closing just seconds later as if he couldn't find the right words. Alvena shot him a questionable look, wondering what this was all about but before she could mention it, the boy found his voice and finally spoke.
"Would you like to come to my tent... to celebrate, I mean?"
Alvena thought about it for a second before replying, "that would be lovely, but I'm leaving early and I'm quite tired."
"Oh, it's alright."
"I'll see you at Hogwarts?" She moved her hands to now fully grasp his, giving it a light squeeze before she turned on her heels and left.
As her feet led her down the same flights of stairs, the young girl tried her best to not lose herself in the see of people. Soon, a pounding feeling settled in her head, hitting it harder and harder every step she took.
No matter what, Alvena kept going, her face clenched in pain, eyes barely visible due to her frown. Slowly, her vision blurred itself leading to her bumping into before and apologizing in a quick matter.
That was until she ran head first, straight into the chest of someone, making her body jolt backward and fall onto the ground. And then, nothing. In a matter of seconds, the pain was all gone. Looking up to the body Alvena had slammed into, the girls eyes widened.
Round glasses, brown hair, green eyes and that scar. It was Harry Potter. The boy who lived. Harry stumbled over his words but quickly offered a hand to the word. But just like any Slytherin would do Alvena pushed the boys hand away, getting up on her own and running past the group of Griffindor.
"Sometimes I really wonder if purebloods do have manners," Ron Weasley scoffed from behind his best friend.
The group then walked over to their tent, getting in and starting their little celebration over the match. Ron stood, speaking some glorifying words about Viktor Krum before Giny started to tease about a slight crush on the said seeker.
As they cheered and sung in the tent, screams erupted outside. People yelling in each and every corner of the place.
"The Irish sure are happy about their win!" Fred joked only to have his father rush into the tent and hush him.
"It's not the Irish, we have to leave, now!"
The elder Weasley rushed everybody outside their temporary home, assigning Giny to Fred and George. Looking around Harry was pushed in every direction by the numerous people that ran in the crowd. His body was tossed over and over until he ended up hitting his head and falling complete unconscious on the ground, away from his friends.

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