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Her eyes were not yet open, the soft grass caressing the soft skin of her cheek and a scaly texture tickling the top of her fingers. Slowly the feeling moved from her finger to the length of her arm and then to the back of her neck.
Alvena slowly opened her eyes, adjusting to the darkness around her, only to spot the beautiful dark eyes of a black snake a few inches away from her face.
The snake slithered it's tongue, moving further to the right of the girl. Her eyes followed the snake as it glided up to some dark leather boots. Boots that she recognized instantly.
The girl got up, dusting herself from the leaves and twigs that had caught themselves in her clothes. She looked up at the taller women, eyes full of fury.
"Alvena. Take my arm will you?" Lilith Blythe came forward, offering her arm to her daughter who only reluctantly reached for it.
A cracking noise echoed though the forest, their body twisting in every directions. Alvena almost felt like she would throw up, but managed to shrug away the feeling. Soon, both Blythe found themselves back at the Wylt manor, in the main entrance, in front of the grand staircase.
The youngest pulled away from her mother, going to walk towards the stairs and leave, but her mothers voice made her stop immediately on the spot. "Alvena, you have to understand. If you didn't-"
"So you knew? You knew about the death-eather
attacking tonight, yet you still let me, your daughter, go."
"You don't know how it is, Alvena. You don't know anything!" Her mother yelled back.
"So you did know..."
"What?" Lilith looked at her daughter confused.
"You didn't deny it." The youngest Blythe raised a brow. "Let me guess, father is still with them."
"Alvena Blythe, stop this! Your father is in Paris and you know it!" The elder woman fought back.
The young, dark haired girl scoffed, rolling her eyes and turning on her heels to walk up the stairs not before muttering, "if you say so."
Alvena walked down a large hallway, letting her feet take her to a tall wooden door, so tall even a giant could fit through it. She pushed the door open, revealing a dark and cold coloured room.
The bedroom was decorated with dark grey and black colors, with a lot of expensive imagery. The room had a gothic feel to it, with ornate furniture and dark curtains.
In one of the corners you could find a tall bookcase with thousands of books on different subjects, across from it was a rather comfortable looking chair. Two doors were connected to the room, the first one being a large and obviously expensive walk through closet and the second one being a pretty neat marble bathroom. And in the middle of it all, a large king sized bed encased by two side table, right next to a snow white study desk.  Overall, the room exudes an air of ambition and power.
Alvena walked into the closet, carefully detaching the back of her neck and letting the item of clothing fall from her body. She slowly removed every piece of jewelry that stuck to her body, placing them on a nearby table before grabbing a pair of silk, dark green pyjama short and cami top and moving over to her bathroom.
Now fully dressed in her nightwear, her hands reached for a toothbrush and some paste and she did the rest of her night routine. When she was done, Alvena walked back in the main room and to her bed to fall in a deep slumber where she would travel to her dreamland.
At first it was all black and nothingness, but slowly her blank mind got transported to a few hours earlier in the day, right before the World Cup. The black haired girl stood in the middle of her bedroom, around a dozen of maids circled her, pampering her face with all kinds of products.
That was until a knock echoed from the wooden door, soon followed by a deep throat clear signalling the maids that it was time for them to leave. Alvena turned to her left, watching as her father, William Blythe, entered the room as the women left.
The man greeted her with a proud smile, looking at every inch of her body before pulling her in an awkward hug, "You look amazing, my darling."
He pulls away, going to sit on the bed and motioning for the girl to follow him. Now both on the bed, William took his daughter's hands in his, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand.
"If only you knew how proud I am," he smiled. "My little girl, representing our family to one of the biggest magical event of the year. Oh, how you've grown, it feels like it was yesterday when I last held you in my arm. You are a miracle, Alvena. A beautiful gift that came to me and your mother and we are so thankful for that."
The young girl smiled at her father, doing her best to hold back tears that were threatening to fall. She looked down at their joined hands, giving it a light squeeze before looking back to the man, "You are too father, I love you."
The man suddenly looked down, slowly nodding. He got up, retrieving his hands from hers and walked over to the door, motioning for her to follow him, "your mother is waiting downstairs along with the carriage. We wouldn't want you to be late now, would we?"
"Of course not."
It was like in a matter of seconds the entire atmosphere had changed, dropping to a much dimer one. Alvena knew what she had done was wrong. She knew she shouldn't have done it yet she still did. Mentioning the forbidden word. Love.
Immediately her smile dropped as she robotically marched on out of the room and down the grand staircase to the main entrance where her mother was waiting. She nodded to the women, clenching tightly onto the bag she held under her arm.
Just as she was about to open the door, a hand reached for her wrist, pulling her backward into a warm embrace. Her mother's perfume flooded her nose as her arms slowly reached over to hug back.
Lilith Blythe carefully moved some hair from her daughters ear, leaning a little closer to mutter in some words, "Alvena, don't let them catch you. Please do it for the sake of all."
The women pulled away, looking straight into the younger's eyes. She leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her pale forehead before walking back to her husbands side, waving to her daughter as she left the mansion.

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