↳ 𝑐ℎ𝑝.6

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Lateness was not in Alvena Blythe's vocabulary, that might be what sparked some concern in her friends. Her first class of the day was with the new teacher: Alastor Moody, an ex auror from the ministry.
She rushed through the castle, trying her best to finish her tie knot with one hand while holding her books in the other. When she finally made it, she pushed the door open making a loud cracking noise as she entered the room. All eyes fell on her.
"Sorry for my tardinesses professor, it won't happen again."
The man didn't pay much attention, he just nodded to her before continuing his class. On the other hand, Alvena walked to the only free seat in the class next to her favourite person, Draco. She silently sat down ignoring the boys glance.
"Now, as I was saying. When it comes to the dark arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?"
Most of the class frowned at his question, confused as to why a teacher would ask such a question. The students stayed silent at the exception of one, who raised her hand slowly, replying "Three sir."
Mad-Eye raised a brow at the young girl, surprised by her willingness.
"And they are so named?" He trailed on.
"Because they are unforgivable. Use of any one of them will..."
The teacher cut her shortly, finishing the sentence on his own while scribbling over the black board, "Will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban. Correct. Now the ministry too young to see what these curses do. I say different! You need to you're up against, you need to be prepared, you need to find somewhere else to put your chewing gum other than the underside of your desk Mr Finnigan!"
The teacher turned on his heals and stared pointedly at the said student who muttered a snarky remark in his comrades ears, only resulting in the teacher throwing a chalk to his head.
"So which curse shall we see first?" He wondered out loud, eyes strolling over the face of his pupils before settling on one, "Weasley!"
The red haired boy shuddered in fear at the man's voice, "yes..."
"Give us a curse."
The student slumped back in his seat, as if he was trying to escape Moody but had no where to go.
"Well my dad did tell me about one... The imperious curse."
"Ahhh yes, your father would know all about that. Gave the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why."
The man reached over his desk for a glass jar. He popped the lid open and took out in his hand a rather large spider. Alvena couldn't help but shudder at the sight, if there was one thing she despised it was definitely spiders and all things alike.
She frowned in disgust at her teacher who admired the creature as if it was the prettiest one alive, calling her a true beauty. He waved his wand at it, casting a silent spell before waving the monster around the class, in the air.
"Don't worry, completely harmless," he smirked at the insect feeling the nerves of the class tensing up. "But if she bites, it's lethal!"
Draco snickered, enjoy the show from his warm seat only making Alvena frown at him in disappointment. It wasn't odd for him to react like that, so she just frowned once he'd turned to her and smirked in her face.
Her annoyance only grew once the teacher sent the spider their way, launching it in Draco's face. She instantly backed up in her seat, face frowning in discuss. A sigh of relief escaped her lips once the teacher moved the insect away from them, continuing with the class.
"Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only do did you-know-whose bidding under the influence of the imperious curse. But here's the rub, how do we sort out the liars? Another.. another.. Come on come on."
Surprisingly almost all students shot their hands up, waving it in hope of catching the professors eyes. But the man already had a target in mind.
"Longbottom is it? Up. Professor Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for herbology."
The young boy nodded slowly before stating, "there's um... the torture curse."
"Correct! Correct! come come. Particularly nasty. The torture curse."
The said boy did as asked, strolling ever so slowly towards the desk up front. He eyed the spider now settled on the desk, trying his best not to make any eye contact with Mad-eye.
Once again the professor waved his wand casting a cruel spell on the creature who started whimpering in pain, only making the student in front cringe in disgust. Lucky for him Hermione Granger came to his aid.
"Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him, Stop it!"
Moody did as she asked, clearing his throat and motioning for Nevil to get back to his seat. The professor then slowly marched up to Granger's desk, intimidating her with his eyes.
"Perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse Miss Granger."
The girl only shook her head, holding back the tears that formed in the corner of her eyes, scared of the mad man in front of her. The said man waved his wand at the spider, mumbling a curse which instantly silenced the creature forever.
"The killing curse. Only one person is known to have survived it. And he's sitting in this room. At least that's what we think."
For a few second Alvena could've sworn she's seen the professor's eyes shift towards her, but she shrugged it off as her imagination.
Once the torturing class was finally over, Alvena practically sprinted out of the room trying not only to escape her blond friend but also eager to leave the professor's sight.
Sadly for her Draco caught up in no time and started bombarding her with excuses and apologies regarding the World Cup. She kept on ignoring him until she was suddenly yanked by the wrist into some sort of closets.
"What are you doing?" She whisper yelled towards where she thought the boy was, not that she could see in the dark. "I really hope no one saw us walk in here, who knows what stupidity they would say."
"Calm down Alve, we both know no one would ever start a rumour about us. They're too scared to do so."
She could hear the sly smirk in his voice making her roll her eyes by reflex. Feeling their hands still connected she quickly pulled hers out of his grasp, groaning slightly in annoyance. Her eyes started to slightly adjust to the dimness of the room, now able to distinguish his features slightly.
"Whatever... what do you want? I thought what I said back in the train was clear enough." She asked annoyed.
"Bloody hell Alvena, will you stop acting so childlike. We've known each other since the day we were born, you know I hate it when we fight. Please, you can't keep going like that. I already told you how sorry I am for the World Cup, but I had no idea. So just please get over it and stop ignoring me, it's a real torture. I care about you, please, I don't want to loose you."
The dark haired girl dropped her head to the ground, taking in all his words and repeating them over and over in her head. A smile then broke onto her feature as she giggled slightly at him.
"Wow, Draco Malfoy saying the word please more than once. Is this a dream?"
"Oh shut up you lunatic," he jokingly said towards her, joining her fit of giggles. "Come here."
He pulled her towards him, wrapping his arms over her shoulder in a comforting way. She copied his actions, wrapping her own arms around his torso, inhaling his musky sent as she nuzzled into his chest.
"God I missed this..." she mumbled only earning a nod from her friend.
He then pulled away, still holding onto her shoulder.
"I guess I'll see you later, yeah?"
The two teens parted way and Alvena found herself in the courtyard with her friends in the distance sprawled around under a tree, looking as bored as ever. She walked over greeting them with a frown.
"Don't you guys look jolly."
Sage who was lying on the grass, her head settled into Stormy lap who was herself leaning on the tree trunk, was the one to reply first, sighing slightly.
"We had history of magic with Binns."
"A real torture," Mattheo added, letting his head fall on the ground as he laid on his stomach.
Alvena chuckled at their sight and walked over to sit with Theodore Nott who sat on a rock a few feet away from the tree.
"What about you? How was it with the mad man?" He smiled at her as she settled next to him.
"Could've been worst." She returned the gesture.
"By the way, you still need to tell me about that France story, the one you mentioned in your letter." He noted.
Alvena smiled remembering the trip, "Well, of course when we got to France my parents didn't have to much time to enjoy Paris because of their work so they left me in the care of their great friend Claude Montana."
"The designer?"
"Precisely. Claude made me explore the city and even brought me to every edge of the country, bringing me to all sorts of shows and exhibitions of his art. He even gifted me a dress, which I'll probably be wearing during the next ball."
Theo smiled at her story, "that sounds amazing!" He looked up directly in her eyes, enjoying the deep red colour.
Alvena couldn't help the blush that crept to her cheeks, no matter how hard she tried, her eyes always remained the one thing she was most self conscious about. Every time someone made direct eye contact with her she tended to look away, scared the other would dread the colour of her hues.
But Theo wasn't like that. Once he saw her move her head to the side, he instantly reached over to grab her chin and pull her back towards him, cat hung once again her eyes.
"Your eyes are so... pretty."
His glances moved from her eyes down to her lips, doing a few back and forth before he settled on her plump pink lips. The boy started to lean in, almost closing the gap between them.
"You guys should get a room!" A distant voice called out.
Instantly the two teens pulled away only to see a smirking Blaise Zabini walking towards them, followed by a somewhat pissed off Draco. Nothing out of the ordinary. Blaise laughed at their embarrassed face.
"Theo, Mat, how do you guys feel about a quidditch game?" The boy asked his peers.
Stormy groaned at his loud tone, "I think you're missing a few brain cells Zabini, quidditch is canceled this year because of the tournament."
"That doesn't stop us from a friendly match!"
Mattheo suddenly stood up, stretching his sleeping body and cracking a few bones.
"I'm in! But careful Zabini, I'm coming for you."
This only made Theo jump up on his feet, walking over to the boys.
"Then so am I!"

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