↳ 𝑐ℎ𝑝.9

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After all the events of yesterday Alvena needed a real break from anything school or tournament related. Thankfully her friends had planned to go over to the black lake to relax.
Sage Mercier, Stormy and Mattheo Felts and Alvena Blythe were all spread across the slightly grey grass with blankeblankets protecting them from the cool autumn air. Strangely it was still pretty hot for the first of November, but Alvena didn't mind, she was rather grateful.
Sage thought their little relaxation session was the perfect moment to try the new herb her neighbour had introduced her too. The others were used to it, they strangely liked the calming, light feeling of smoking.
Mattheo bursted out laughing when Stormy started choking after inhaling the smoke for too long. Sage joined in his fit, her head laid over her best friend's lap.
"Bloody hell!," Stormy coughed out, hitting her chest repeatedly. "Gosh I think I'm baked..."
"Same here," Mattheo commented. "That stuff was good, we need more."
"Real," Sage agreed.
Alvena who had been silent for the entire moment started removing the blanket from herself. She reached behind her see through lace dress unzipping it to remove the garment fully.
"Looking good Blythe!"
She turned to her friends catching the eyes of Mattheo as he glanced at her black lace underwear set. She smirked at him and sent a playful wink. She finally removed her heels and walked over to the water, swaying her hips from side to side making sure the boys eyes stayed on her.
Alvena never was a big flirt, but she had to admit she was rather fund of the attention and the dangerous feeling it left in her.
She shivered slightly once her feet touched the water but moved past and went in deeper into the cold lake. She went under the water, wiping her eyes to open the. Once she resurfaced she could see the edge of the lake, where her friends were talking, quite far away from her.
She dipped her head back in the water and once again opened her eyes to see nothing but darkness. There was a reason why this was called the black lake. But in the sea of darkness she managed to see something white further down.
She pushed the water, going in deeper. As her eyes adjusted slightly to her blurry environment, she made out what seemed to be the silhouette of a dress.
Next thing she knew, hands were placed over her cheeks, caressing them in a loving matter as bright blue eyes peered in her own red ones. She frowned at the strange female in front of her whose body was hidden in some sort of long white sheet.
The woman seemed to smile at her, pulling her closer and closer to the bottom of the lake. Alvena couldn't take her eyes off the stranger. Al thought she never saw her before, she felt some sort of comfort in her touch, as if she knew that person.
Back on the grass, the three other Slytherin students were relaxing in conversation, their high slightly going down as they now inhaled the fresh air.
"Wait where's Alvena?" Sage asked, not hearing any words or noise of any sort from the Blythe girl.
"Oh she went to swim, just now." Mattheo answered nonchalantly, picking at his fingers.
"Are you sure? I don't see her," Stormy noted, eyes scanning the calm water.
"What?" Mattheo's head shut up followed by his body, "Alvena!"
Sage body shut up from Stormy's, she scanning the area around them with hope, but nothing, "Alvena!"
"Bloody hell is that..." Stormy focused on a floating form in the water, squinting to try and see better before her boy jolted up and she scurried into the water, "Alvena! I see her!"
"Holy- Alvena!"
Mattheo followed his cousin in the water, they both swam in lightning speed to reach the floating body of their friend. Mattheo held the girls body close to his and brought her back to the ground, Stormy helping and making sure he had enough energy.
They laid her body over some of the blankets and all hovered over her passed out figure. Stormy quickly reached for Alvena's wrist, feeling around for a vein. She place her finger over it to feel a pulse.
"She's got no pulse... she's got no pulse quick do something!"
"Fuck!" Mattheo cursed.
He placed his two hands above her chest and started pressing onto it. He felt a light crack under his hand but didn't stop once. After thirty press he reached over the her lips, pinning her nose so he could blow into her airways.
Once he pulled her he resume the chest compressions, seeing in the corner of his eyes the teary face of his cousin and friend. Suddenly water sprouted out of Alvena mouth making her cough. Once it was all out she laid back on the grass, shivering uncontrollably.
"Cold..." her hoarse voice lowly mumbled, "please."
With that she closed her eyes, her body still shivering.
"Her lips are blue we have to warm her quick!" Sage yelled.
Instantly Mattheo took the girl in her arms and they all ran towards the castle. They pushed any other students that would stand in their way and rushed down to the dungeons. Once they made it to the common room they rushed to put the shivering girl in front of the fire in pure historia caf hing everyone's attention.
"What the hell happened?"
A furious Draco Malfoy ran to them with Theodore and Blaise trailing behind him. Seeing her state and what she was dressed in Theodore quickly removed his robes to lay them above her freezing body.
"What did you do to her?" He screamed at them, panic evident in his face.
"We were just by the lake and she decided to go for a swim..." Sage stumbled over her words, shivering in fear for her friend.
"Why would you let her? In this weather anyone wishing to go in the lake would die frozen!" Draco yelled at her, not caring about the tears that glided down her cheeks. He was intimidating in that state, she couldn't deny it.
"Will you guys shut up..."
They all turned to see the once shivering girl, calmly opening her eyes, hands clutching the robe tightly over her body. She carefully sat up groaning slightly while holding her left side.
"Fuck Mat, I think you broke one of my ribs."
The said boy laughed before pulling her in his arms, relieved to have her there.
"You twat, it was that or watching you die."
They both chuckled slightly enjoying the small moment. He helped her up as they all settled on the couches near them. Theo, who was right next to Alvena, carefully dropped his arm around her shoulder, cuddling into her side pretending he just wanted to warm her up.
The group started talking about the tournament, some predictions they had and hopes they wished for. In the middle of their calm exchange two new figures joined them, cackling like hyenas.
"What might you to be gossiping about?" Blaise raised a brow at them.
"Who just Daphne apparently sneaking around with some third year ravenclaw," Millicent explained with a malicious smirk.
Alvena could feel Theo's grip around her shoulder tighten. Honestly she too grew mad, not that she ever cared about Daphne but laughing at your friend is not something she would let pass.
"Of course there's only you to laugh about your friend, Parkinson. You cold hearted skank." Alvena accused with gritted teeth.
"Oh shit it Blythe! At least I'm not the one sneaking out every other nights," the pug gave replied. "Where even are you going? Maybe you're joining Daphne or worst, going to see that poltergeist boyfriend of yours."
Her and Millicent once again laughed at her not so funny joke while Alvena deathly glared at them. The Blythe girl stood up, not really minding how she was dressed or if it was past curfew, amd made left the common room to go straight to the astronomy tower.
She stumped onto the cold stone ground, bare feet. Once she reached the top of the tower she could see that someone was already there, observing the night sky over the railing. 
She greeted silently, walking next to him blankly. The boy was slightly startled by her presence, of course he thought she'd go on and mock him for whatever reason but she didn't. She just stayed there silently looked at the stars.
"You don't have to look at me like that, I won't hex you." She commented not once turning to him.
"Sorry, old habit I guess."
She shrugged, "I get it, Slytherins are well...Slytherins."
A comfortable silence settled between them, both students just focused on the starry painting in front of them. That was until Alvena broke it.
"Have you figured the first task?"
"Not yet, but I still have a few weeks."
She hummed in response, stretching her arms above her head and groaning slightly at the pain that stung on her left side.
"Don't worry, you're Harry Potter you'll figure it out."
"What's that supposed to mean?" He frowned at her.
"Well somehow you always find a way out of every situation, this won't be an exception." She shrugged, turning to face him for the first time since she arrived.
Her dark red eyes met his, seeing his frown leave as he just peered into her hues. They were so unique and intriguing, he couldn't seem to pull away as if a spell was casted on him.
"Can I ask about your eyes..." he mumbled, "their colour, how is it possible?"
Her eyes widened at his question. Through her entire life she tried to avoid these type of questions, she knew people were dying to asked them but there were obviously to scared to do so. Plus she didn't tell the truth behind the colour of her iris, not just because she hated it but also because she didn't fully know it. That's why she just skipped his question that night, simply apologizing before escaping the tower.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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