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The Great Hall was filled to the brim with students, all eagerly awaiting the for their food to appear in front of them. Meanwhile, just in front of the teachers' table was the sorting hat, finishing his speech for the year.
"Always remember to not let your house define you. Instead, let your actions and your choices define who you are. Be brave, be loyal, be cunning, be wise. But most of all, be yourself."
With those words, the Sorting Hat fell silent.
The students of Hogwarts looked at each other, each lost in thought. Every year was the same, vague words, with no true defining meaning to them but yet they still tried to follow along them.
"It gets worse every year," Stormy complained rolling her eyes.
Soon the food magically filled every table of the hall, en lighting the students. The four friends who were say just like in their compartment dug into their plates, giving some small talks about the upcoming year. This time they were joined by Draco Malfoy, who sat opposite from Alvena, trying to catch her gaze, and Blaise who was right beside Mattheo.
A few seconds after the dinner started, Mattheo saw something, or rather someone, making their way towards them. He raised his arm to waved to the person. Seeing this, the three girls turned in the direction he was looking seeing a rather joyful Theodore Nott walking their way.
"Hey Theo! Where were you?" The Felts boy got up to greet his friend.
"I'm sorry guys, I had a problem with my luggage." The new boy replied.
He greeted everyone, taking a seat next to Alvena who sent a smile his way, which he copied.
"Glad you could join us." She mumbles making the boys smile widen.
In front of her, Draco was sending shooting glares her way, something she could feel burning through her entire body but decided it would be better to ignore. Instead, she looked back at the front of the hall, where Dumbledore walked forward to give a speech.
"Well, now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year. . . . . .but home to some very special guests as well."
The head ma got stopped as Filrtch came running his way to mutter something in his ear. When the caretaker left, the headmaster restarted his speech. "So Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event...The Triwizard Tournament!"
Cheers erupted in the hall, every students banging on the tables making as much noise as they could until the headmaster settled them down.
"The Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear. lf chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when l say these contests are not for the faint-hearted. But more of that later." He pointed towards the large doors of the great hall, "For now, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress, Madame Maxime."
A troupe of girls dressed in light blue uniforms came into the Great Hall, dancing through the tables and hypnotizing the crowd. Behind them a tall women made her way to the principal of the castle who greeted her kindly.
When the girls settled down, Dumbledore spoke again, "And now our friends from the north. Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master, lgor Karkaroff."
"Bloody hell," Blaise Zabini muttered from beside Mattheo. "It's Viktor Krum!"
"Not a reason to cream your pants Zabini." Draco rolled his eyes.
"Someone's jealous!" Stormy joked. 
"Shut it Felts."
The group's small argument was cut short as food magically appeared on the tables gracing the students with all kinds of tastes. They each dig into their full plates, making small talks from here and there.
Alvena couldn't help the small glance she took at the boy in front of her , her eyes always ending back his way. On the other hand, Draco didn't dare to look up to her, too scared of the guilt he would feel after crossing her scared gaze. Lucky for him it only took an hour before the headmaster got up, inviting the students to join their prefect and get to bed quickly.
Alvena followed the rest of her friends out of the great hall and down toward the dungeon. They passed the potion classroom and went down further only to find a blank stone wall. The prefect walked over muttering some words before a door slowly appeared into the wall.
The slytherins rushed in eager to see their new roommates and catch along with everybody. Sadly for Alvena, once she approached the billboard with the rooms on them it was a total shock to find that she would be sharing with some of the pickiest girl in the world. And it only got worst the minute she stepped into the room.
"You won't believe it Panse."
A dirty blond haired girl said, her screeching high pitched voice ringing through Alvena's ears. She had rather long locks and deep blue eyes and stood taller than anyone in the room.
"Please Daphne just say it already, I can't wait any longer."
Another one complained, this time a brunette with soft feature and dark blue eyes. She sat on her bed watching her other friends unpack their bottomless trunks.
"Shut it Millie," the last one snapped before turning to the door a mischievous smirk glued on her face. "Look who's here."
Alvena rolled her eyes at Pansy's comments going straight to the last empty bed there was, on the left right next to the bathroom door. Of course.
"Anyway, as I was saying." Daphne starts again. "I snogged someone on our way here."
Her two friends eagerly screech making Alvena groan in pain. This will be a long year. The red eyed girl didn't pay much attention to their story to busy with unpacking her belongings.
"Who was it?" Millie jumped on her bed.
"Well, he's in our year and you know him, brown hair, quite tall and rather good at school. He did plays quidditch and..."
"Stop playing Daph please, just say the name already." Pansy complained.
"Fine, it's Theo."
"Theodore Nott?" Alvena subconsciously asked aloud, eyes wide in shock and fists slightly clenched onto the robes she was putting away.
"What's it to you Blythe?" Pansy once again smirked her way, frowning as if she had just figured something.
"If you say so." She snickered before returning to her conversation with the other girls.
On the other hand, Alvena, who had now finished unpacking, made her way to the living area before sneaking out of the common room. She strolled down the hallway, the air suddenly turning colder and colder, drops of water gliding down the walls and the light dimming as she got further into the dungeons of the castle.
As she continued her journey a soft branch slid over her food almost making her fall but she caught herself right in time, regaining her balance. She looked down at the dark branch that had now moved, her eyes adjusting to the poor light.
"Opphiucius, you almost tripped me." She scolded the snake at her feet.
The animal just moved away toward, deeper into the dark hallway finally reaching an old body sized portrait. On it a young brunette sat on a rock, in a beautiful long green dress. Her short hair perfectly made along with her makeup.
She was looking down at her nails, seemingly picking at them and not realizing someone stood in front of her. The sight branch a slight smile to Alvena's feature. The red eyed girl softly cleared her throat, catching the attention of the painting in front of her.
"Oh it's you, finally! I was wondering when you'd be back."
Alvena chuckle slightly at the girl, "yeah me too, Scarlet. Heir."
"Come in." The portrait opened, letting the black haired girl step in.
The inside was a rather small room with a wall full of empty portraits, all of different sceneries. Opposite of it was a large king sized bed with the colours of Slytherin.
The room gave a perfect view into the black lakes, all sorts of creatures swimming around. A study desk stood right under one of the windows.
Sitting on the bed was a rather young man, his body slightly see through, dark curls with beautiful brown eyes. The moment he saw Alvena, he jumped off the bed with a giant smile, floating towards the girl.
"Alvena, how I missed you!"
"Hey there peeves." She smiled back at his bubbly personality, "I'm surprised you haven't pranked anyone yet."
"Yeah well, I was waiting for your ideas."
"Of course you were," she rolled her eyes, comfortably settling into the bed.
"You seem down." The portrait girl from earlier said, making her way into the many frames of the room. "What's bothering you?"
"I think I'm just tired."
The young girl crawled over to the large king sized bed, not minding her attire and carefully settling in. She cozied herself up before waving her wand towards the candle, blowing them out.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow."

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