Chapter SEVENTEEN: I Just Need A Chance

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 BITTERSWEET MOMENTS WITH YOUa jeon wonwoo and kim mingyu fanfiction CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: I Just Need A Chance

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a jeon wonwoo and kim mingyu fanfiction


"Hoshi, please, I'm begging you! This will get me that much closer to Wonwoo!" It was quite embarrassing with how Mingyu resulted to falling to his knees, fingers curling around the cotton fabric of his friend's grey sweatpants. His brown eyes were blown wide, giving the recipient of such pleading to see the glossy shine of almost tears grouping at the base of his lids. And his typical charming smile had shifted into something more of a pout. Soonyoung on the other hand stood to his full height, feet planted on the polished floors with almost all of his weight, or else he might have toppled over by now; Mingyu clawing at him, being the reason he looses his footing and ends up on the ground as well. He tried not to show his fear of possibly tipping by keeping a grin to his red lips, arms crossed over his chest that had to be covered by the largest sleeveless shirt ever. Or at least large to Soonyoung's slimmer frame.

"I already told you, the height dynamic would be off. We need to be able to see everyone. Now let go of me" Finally dropping his arms, he now used his hands to then try and pry Mingyu off of him. It was bit of a struggle, the taller's grip only getting stronger while his pleads get louder. But eventually Soonyoung succeeded and Mingyu releases. The giant man tumbles to the hard floor in defeat, curling in on himself and cursing his friend for being extremely inconsiderate. But that's morally wrong of him to grumble out. Especially when his only intention is to sleep with someone so innocent. So the dancer of the duo could only roll his eyes before he's turning to face the giant wall mirror and fix his appearance.

Stupid Mingyu and his stupidly large hands...ruining his outfit.

"If you want to get closer to Wonwoo, why not just ask him on a date?" Fellow soccer player and group mate Chan eventually joins. He was sat not too far from Mingyu's curled body, stretching a few muscles so there are no future mishaps while they're practicing. He said it while he was leaning forward in between his legs; his own joyful and curious brown eyes staring at Mingyu's disappointed sorrowful one's through the mirror. "Or not even a date...maybe a hangout?"

That was a great idea. Perfect even. That is if Mingyu didn't already make his interest in the pretty brunette already so crystal clear, and Wonwoo making his rejection even more transparent. So all the tall male could do was groan. He squirmed a bit on the floor before finally sitting up lazily. He slouched over, catching Chan's eyes through the mirror as well before responding.

"I highly doubt he'll agree to that. Plus he's already interested in someone."

How pathetic does he sound? Never before has Mingyu sounded so defeated over pursuing someone. Typically when he sets his eyes on someone or something he's determined to do what it takes in order to get it. But right now he looks like a kicked puppy. Soonyoung momentarily stopped looking at himself to raise an eyebrow at his friend's different behavior. It was interesting and had him beginning to grin to himself. It hasn't been long, and the two rarely interact (besides the occasional sight of each other in the academy hallways) but it was obvious that Jeon Wonwoo was growing on Kim Mingyu. Probably has to do with the little cat and mouse game they're playing. It's almost forcing the two to be in each other's lives—and yet at any time Mingyu could easily call this whole bet off and just take the loss. It's not like he's losing anything if he does.

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