Chapter 5

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Madeleine's POV

"Bloody hell Madeleine!" Chantel screamed at me.

"I know, I know! I don't like it either."

"You're nuts! Do you understand that? You've gone completely insane."

"Why are you so-"

"Made. Londyn?! Out of everyone?! She's psycho."

"Well how could I've possibly known that?"

"You could've asked me first, not romanticize about her to the point where there's no reversing."

"I know. I'm telling you, I am bonkers over her. I don't know what happened to me."

"It's called a crush, Made. Bloody hell I can't believe it."

Chantel started laughing ironically.

"Don't laugh. I'm honestly hurt."

"How could I not laugh? Made you're nuts!"

"Well she's fit innit? I mean maybe she's a bit barmy, but other than that..."

"Laaaaad! Made you know what? She's going to the party tomorrow with Faye, we could come up with just a tad daft plan and-"

"Chantel. I don't want to see her girl throw a wobbly again, I'm not going anywhere near them. I just...I like to watch her, we don't need to be together."

"Watch her?" Chantel repeated sarcastically.

"Made I'm not trying to get cheeky with ya but that's a bit dodgy innit? What are you now, Joe Goldberg?"

"I know. I'm a complete cock up."

"Lord help me Madeleine but I will help you win your yatsy over."

I smiled warmly.


"Not so lucky, are we love?"

We watched Lisa and Londyn looking very much in love. Londyn was wearing a short tight skirt, and when she bent over you could see her ass. And I'm not complaining about the view at all.

"I'm knackered anyways, shouldn't have come."
"Plonker, you came for me and our lads, not for her."
"Yeah but I didn't exactly hope for this view, it stings."
"Made-Hey! What are you- Faye what the fuck?!"
"Yatsies, why are you staring at Londyn the whole bloody time?!"
Faye pulled Chantel hard by her arm and grabbed the back of my neck.
"What?! No we haven't-We are not staring!"
Suddenly Londyn made her way towards us from another end of the pub.
My legs started shaking and I felt lightheaded.
I quickly turned to look at Chantel and she grinned, nervously, signaling me not to embarrass myself.

I tried to look back at Londyn but I felt a hand hug my head , covering both of my ears, and pushing me slightly to the side. I peeked at Chantel, and she grinned widely at me. She mouthed YOU GO GIRL. I glance above me, as much as I could since Londyn blocked my view with her arm, I saw Londyn and Faye whispering above my head. Lad the girls are tall. I figured Londyn covered my ears not to hear them, since I was very close, touching them.

"I already told them, they're fucking embarrassing lad."

I got the courage to yank my head upwards and make myself clear, I mean Lie to them.
"We weren't staring at them!"

I instantly regretted this decision as Londyn's arm ended around my neck this time, and she squeezed it hard. They both looked at me, razzed as hell. Faye looked me up and down, and shook her head left and right, whilst Londyn side eyed me from above and chewed on her lip. I quickly put my head back down and look away from them, so I just rest on Londyn's big chest.

"Bloody psychos, Get them out." Londyn said angrily.

Faye pulled Chantel by her arm and quite literally dragged her outside, I could see Chantel struggling so much that her skirt went up and revealed her fanny. I laughed briefly before Londyn grabbed my neck aggressively.

"Out, dickhead."
I frowned but decided not to razz her anymore.

A couple of minutes pass by and I decided to go to the loo, since the last time I saw her she went into the loo.

I have to stop being so shy and dodgy and finally face her.

I quickly tip toe to the loo and once I entered, I heard moaning and cursing.

"Fuck baby that feels so good, don't stop please I want to cum all over your face." And I recognize that voice. It's Lisa, Londyn's girl.

I gasped audibly.

"Londyn? Is someone here?"  Lisa asked.

Londyn quickly opened the loo cabin door and looked at me, I had tears streaming down my face, and I covered my lips with my palm.

"No one here, you close?"
"Yes please baby just ten more seconds."

I stayed silent, unable to move. Not surprisingly, Lisa actually finished after 10 seconds, and Londyn came out first. She got really close to me, I could see Lisa's pussy juices all over her chin.

She got really close to my face, wiped herself and whispered in my face.
"Thats what you get for sneaking."

I could smell Lisa, mixed with her infamous perfume that made me faint. This was enough to make me start crying uncontrollably and storm out of the loo.

She caught up with me and grabbed my wrist, twisting me towards her.
"What were you thinking?! Acting like a bloody stalker!"

"I wasn't- I just wan-ted to-" It was hard to talk because of how hard I was crying.
"Go fucking home and don't ever perform your little razzing plans again, don't fucking follow me around."

"Londyn!" I cried out. I could see her gaze soften. But only for a split second.

"Cut it out Madeleine. Cut. It. Out." She squeezed me harder.
"Let go of my wrist! I don't want you to touch me!"
It seemed like that hurt her ego.

"Leave. And you look like a hooker by the way. Like you just came out of a loo and finished sucking someone's cock."
She looked at my open short dress with disgusted face.

Her hair flowed in the in the wind, and I once again got lost analyzing her face features. How is she so beautiful? It's frightening, how much courage I need to say something to her. It's nuts how I felt so comfortable crying because of her. But I know how stupid I look. I realized it when I once again smelt Lisa's pussy against my face, Madeleine what are you doing?

And yes I am a lot of things but I am not desperate.
And that's why I'll give up.

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