Chapter 10

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Madeleine's POV

Before I'd knock on Chant's door, I'd shake. And I don't mean in a cute, shy way. My whole face would twitch and I wouldn't be able to stop it. My thighs would get sweaty, and I know I might appear completely nuts to you, but I would take a wet wipe, and glide it all over my thighs, not to harsh, I don't want red marks on them, but just enough for them to smell good and be fresh, in case she grabs them again. No I'm not talking about Chant, I'm talking about her.

Our love wasn't anything like this new age love. No We didn't follow each other on social media, we didn't text, we didn't call, we only saw each other if God wanted us to, or faith.

The tricky part is that it looked like only I recognized our connection as pure love. Londyn's outside is evil and harsh, she likes to dominate and rule, she is mean and filthy, and as time goes on, it appears to me that she's the same from the inside out.

But what pushes me towards her is that state of predicting and not knowing. I feel special when she judges my make up, I have to think about it for a while, go nuts over it, and then come to a realization she liked it. She saw something sexual in it, something appealing. She wanted me to hate it so I don't wear it like that ever again, because she's scared of being attracted to me.

Oh to be loved by such a hateful creature.

Of course, it's her facade, I know people like her. Probable harsh childhood story, with a hint of weird relationship with her mother, and that's what you get as a result. I see that she needs love and she needs to show it.

And I ring the bell. Hoping that maybe Faye's having her over, I might see her. Maybe she'll open the door.
"Oh? Made?"
"Faye. Hi." I walked in.
"I didn't know Chant invited you. She'll be down in a minute. Sit with us, I'll bring you something to drink."
Us? Is she here?

I entered the room and I saw her, resting on her elbow, in horizontal position. My heart began beating loud and fast. As I walked past her, sitting right in front of her on the sofa, she only followed my movement with her green eyes. She didn't say a word to me.

"Londyn." I smiled softly at her, but she only relocated her gaze at the tv, at least I learnt she likes tennis.

It's okay, I am used to this. Hot and then cold. Nothing new. I laughed a little at her outfit. To myself. Normally. She had some funny bunny slippers on. They were big and puffy, and it definitely didn't match her soul. But she styles good. I saw her sneakers in the hall. All of her shoe-wear is expensive and classy. And she just knows how to wear. It's beautiful, there wasn't anything special about her wide jeans and a basic tank, it was more about her body and colors that she wore.

"Bitch!" Chant ran to me and kissed my face. I hugged her hard. She could feel the tension, and to be honest it was too much even for me. Faye got back from the kitchen and handed me a sugar free Red Bull.

Got ya.
Londyn rose from the sofa and grabbed it from my hands, not so gently.
"I'll have it."
"It's okay I'm not really thirsty." But Faye gives me that apologizing look. I smile warmly.

"I missed you."
"I missed you too, Chant. I feel so lonely when we don't see each other for a while."
"That's not good." Suddenly Londyn spoke, not looking away from the tv, I looked at Faye, but she also had her eyes glues to the tv.
"What do you mean? I just have a need for the feeling of belonging and closeness." I elaborated.
"It's not like I can't live without her." I added.
"You're weak. That's why you always cry and have tantrums, you're a complete tosser." I stared at her, shocked to her such a negative comeback.
"One must be able to be on their own, and alone, and not need anyone. Love is not guaranteed, nor is closeness."
All this time, she just speaks, she doesn't give me the luxury of holding the eye contact with her.
"I'm quite good on my own." I couldn't think of a good comeback.

Finally she looked at me.
And I froze. She chewed the inside of her cheek.
"You're not. Otherwise you wouldn't obsess over me and cry all the time."
"Londyn?" I raised ny eyebrow, isn't she the one that grabbed my pussy and ass, my thighs, drove me home, snooped through my phone?
"Londyn what? Bloody hell, I hate tossers like you. You're useless."
"Londyn!" Faye finally spoke.

Before I knew it, tears streamed down my face.
Ready to storm out, I stood up, when she called my name. I loved hearing it.
I stopped.
"Toss this in the trash on your way out."
I looked at the empty can in my hand.

Only Seconds passed before I saw black, and "tossed" it back at her. It hit her face. What stroke my nerve is that she didn't react. She just looked at me, like nothing happened.

Like I meant nothing to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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