The "Little Things"they do(savanaclaw)

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I assumed he ran out of energy again. The gym was a mess. Weights everywhere,water on the floor, even bars. Almost like a hurricane passed though. Not wanting a mess I began cleaning. Putting weights in the correct spot and order, bars on handles and water cleaned up. While finishing up i felt a cold heavy weight on my back. Although I was a bit startled, I had a feeling it was jack behind me. I sighed slightly and began walking him out of the gym and to his old room. Surely ghosts need rest. I plopped him down on the bed even though he's barely visible. He looked like some miserable dog with his ears down, almost defeated expression. I felt bad. "I'm gonna leave so you can chill" I said as I stood up and began to leave the room "I'm sorry" jack mumbled. I turned around to see he'd faded out. Wonder what he's sorry about.


"Ok this is getting ridiculous" i mumbled. "Ruggie" I called out the ghost "yesss" he answer as he peeked through the door "have you been rearranging or stealing my clothes" i asked "hmmmm... maybe" he replied "seriously?" i asked "nope" he smiled and i sighed "can you just give them back" i asked "what would you give me" he smirked mischievously "i have nothing of interest unless you want me to make you food" i offered "hmm.. Donuts and your attention for a day." he said "ok fine just give me my clothes back" i huffed he smiled widely and disappeared.

The day has gone by and as promised, Ruggie would give my things back by tonight. Once I returned to my room, a large pile of clothes and other miscellaneous things layed on my bed. The more I sifted through, the more disturbing the items got. Cloths to my underwear to missing soap bottles to my chapstick/lipsticks. What was he doing with all this


"Chess? Sure I doubt I remember how to play" i stated "don't worry about it just sit down" leona said. I shrugged and sat on the table across from leona. There on the table was a classical chess set. "You go first," Leona said. We committed plays back and forth. We barely spoke so the birds in the gardens occupied the focus atmosphere. "It's kinda random you invited me here" i said as i placed down a pawn "ghost around here invite you all the time. How is this any different" he replied playing down his rook "well.. You barely acknowledge my presence nor care to move out the way when I'm cleaning the wing so i assume you want nothing to do with me" i replied "well you suddenly appeared in my manor how else was i supposed to react to you" he scoff "should i just leave then" i teased as i placed down my piece. Suddenly he grabbed my wrist and twisted it forcing me out of my chair "leona what the-" i was interrupted by coughing. My body felt weak and dry causing me to cough violently "leave then i have no choice but to kill you" he spoke calmly as he moved his pieces "checkmate" he started dropping my wrist . my body regained normal functions and that dryness faded away although that didn't stop the coughing. I looked down at my hands and the floor to check for signs of blood,fortunately there was none... when i turned back to the table to scold even yell at this guy he's already left the scene. What even was that?

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