Heartslabyul journal entry

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-----Ace Trappola---------------------------------

-some what of a minor ghost within the wing

-sam said that him and his buddy deuce were gambling addicts who play with each other often before becoming servants under the Roseheart family

-one thing led to another and both ended up being beheaded by unknown means

-Even in death his favorite spot is the game room.

-him and grim don't hit off well but seemed to be stuck together sometimes,along with deuce

-sometimes i could see him chasing grim around the rose gardens which is funny to say the least

-trying to impress me with magic skills multiple times

-he says his brother taught him this before he passed

-his nice if you excuse the scare pranks

-sometimes he's oddly touchy....

-ace's behavior is much worse around visitors

-long story short, I invited a friend over to the wing only to be bombarded with pranks while my back was turned.

-I had to scold him this time and he's still yet to apologize

-is there a way where i could slap a ghost 😤

--------Deuce Spades------------------------

-not the brightest but has heart

-like ace he was beheaded by unknown means

-though sam assumes it might be a gang around the time

-"must have won against the wrong crowd which cost them both" he says

-very pretty eyes

-i mentioned to him once and he became fully visitable like some energy spike

-in return i felt so sleepy

- dumb but a gentleman at heart

-i asked him about his demise but he wished to forget about it

-ace then spilled the beans that deuce was a delinquent in life which caused a small fight between them

-one things for certain, he talks highly about his mom

-sam says some ghost can cross over or move on is because of regret or unfinished business

-With that said, deuce mentioned that his mom grew sick which drew him into gambling and meeting ace and then joining lord rosehart.

-he hasn't elaborated after that

-sometimes he's oddly sweet like he's stepping around glass around me

-him and ace act similarly around visitors

- he doesn't do much but my friend keeps complaining how unwelcomed they felt throughout the experience

----Cater diamond------------------------------

-communication with him was harder than expected

-it wasn't that he couldn't be found it's just that for a while he only communicates and appears in photos

-i don't want a crap ton of photos on my phone of him so i had to rely on the polaroid which meant a lot of trips to buy film

-after a while he just appeared to me with no camera and just began a conversation.

-he's very talkative and explains he had no one to talk to other then the ghost here

-he likes to take photos or capture a image of people, hinting his artistic skills.

-he was a runaway who was brought into the roseheart household for his artistic skills and photographic memory when it comes to people's images so he explains

-sam said his death was ruled a suidside but was changed to murder

-i mentioned this to cater who didn't take it to well

-he began ranting about backstabbing and betraly

-i never brought it up again for it might be too deep in the rabbithole

-"every painting here was made by me. I put my heart in each one of them"

-i found it impressive so i asked if it was the same in my picture

-"I add a soul in that one" he replies which spooked me a little

-i also have to say he's freezing to the touch

-he hugged me once and now I have to wear at least a jacket when contacting him.

----Trey clover------------------------

-I knew he was a baker in life that pastroy said everything

-i asked for the recipe but he just chuckled and dismissed it

-he's super nice and he like to communicate through flower sometimes

-i asked him how does he bake when he's dead and he said that it takes a lot of energy

-once time i saw him in the process of making something and he was fully solid i could even poke him

-Sam mechoned that the wing was burned at once point in time and he was a victim of the burning at the time

-i asked trey if he knew what started the fire and he explains that there was a murder

-i assume it's something to to with cater so i never bought it up again

-he mentioned that him and riddle where close as kids so it was part of the reason he worked here "willingly" he says

-i asked what he meant by "Willingly" and he explains that the lady of the house was psycho and controlling

-behavior wise he's definitely the most tamed in the house

-he acts rather normal around others too so it wasn't a huge issue around him

-----------Riddle Roseheart---------------------------

-the ringleader and definitely the most mild in terms of appearance

-he always seems to wear some sort of rose

-he also smells of roses so it's part of the reason how i could find him so quickly

-getting to know him was hard sense he prefers not to speak much unless ace or deuce breaks some sort of rule

- i did a dumb test when I had drunk the wrong tea after a meal and he didn't even bat a eye

-I ate hamburgers on Tuesday and bro didn't even care

-I stopped the test after that as I don't want to know what could set him off

-based off everyone he's very hot tempered which can mess up his rationality

-i asked about his story to sam and apparently the whole reason why they're not alive is because of his mother

-"strives for perfection even amongst the people her son is around. Even when she lives far away"

-the mother got away with it up until her death where a diary revealed her intentions logs and plans

-I never brought this up to riddle in fear he would react explosively.

-tea parties are a must for him and he's very adamant on unbirthday parties even though it's just the 6 of us 

-well I oblige when I can sense I don't want to know what happens if i miss one

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