The "little things" they do (Scarabia)

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"I don't know how much i can take of this" i sighed though the phone "I understand i haven't told you what- who you're going to be dealing with but surely this is better then staying in a place where you could deal with more dangers then ghost" crowley said "floyd cased me with an axe the other day.look I don't know what to do heck I'd probably just move out and sell the property" i stated as i plopped on one of the couches "I can't aid you in these ghost but just keep talking with sam surly he's find ways so attachments are not made" crowly said before hanging up. No wonder malleus isn't too fond of him. It was late at night so I should be heading to bed. I walked through the halls into the main master and just slept. In the morning I woke up with a clear head and refreshed mind. I sighed for today is a new day. After getting up and dressed i head to the door to try to open it but it's locked. It wouldn't budge even if i try. "Hello. Can someone get me out" I called. Then a voice spoke...


"No, you're not leaving" a voice cried knowing it too well to be kalim "kalim this isen't funny. I know you want me to spend some time over here like promise but i must be on my way back to the main house. I have things to do" I explained calmly "no, i can't" he said "why tho" i asked then i heard sniffling "you're going to leave us" he cried. "Jamil told me." he adds "I can't even leave if I wanted to where could i get the money fast" i said "so..what if you just leave and never come back." kalim asked "kalim. You have jamil, lilia even cater. They're your friends right" i said "but they're not you" he cried "you can't leave again. You promised. You promised!" he cried more "i didn't-" i sighed "im not leaving. I don't want to leave" i stated which made the door open "you promise?" kalim mumbled as he peaked though the door "i promised" i replied. Kalim beamed and leaped into my arms suffocating me into a tight hug "I knew it. I knew it. Jamil was just over paranoid again" kalim said as he smiled at me. "You promised. You really promised"


A laugh was heard behind the door "why should I" jamil spoke "because i have work to do" i replied dully "just so you can escape." he adds "what are you on about" i asked and he laughed "oh you think i didn't hear that conversation. What was it you said 'I'd probably just move out and sell the property'. If it's the others you are worried about then i see no issue of you staying here" jamil said "jamil i can't leave even if i wanted to. Moving on short notice that's not as easy as it was back then and even so i don't have the capacity" i explained "and you're locked in this room" jamil said "look i won't leave i swear to you just let me leave. I really have stuff I need to do and grim needs to be fed" I pleaded. Jamil was silent "...fine" he mumbled as the door unlocked. I sighed in relief. This relief was short lived when I was grabbed by my forearm "if you ever mentioned or even think about leaving me alone to deal with this mess. I will personally kill you myself. You swear you don't pull this again" jamil spoke harshly in my ear "i swear" i replied. He lets me go.finally. And then he just disappears. I looked at my arm and hissed "that's gonna leave a bruise"

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