The "Little Things" they do(Heartslabyul)

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"Is this tea to your liking" Riddle asked as he pours some in my cup and I just nod as i fix my outfit "Riddle I know I remind you of someone but do I really have to wear this? I don't think this matches my style" i asked which he frowned . You said you would oblige me, did you not?" he asked "well yes but-" i was about to finish but seeing riddle's face scares me a little. Unlike the irritated and angry faces he makes with ace and deuce, this felt different. Like something's he could kill me right now. "Were you lying when you said that?" he asked as the grip on his cup tightened and i shook my head no then he calmed down "I knew it. You wouldn't lie to me although I must argue, the dress/suit suits you well. I see no other wearing them" Riddle smiles and I nod awkwardly trying to brush off what has happened. "You had me worry for a moment. I though you were trying to make me upset. You wouldn't want to make me angry right?" he asked " n no." I replied,he beamed "Good. I'll be right back. I want to see how the tarts are coming along" Riddle said as he dismissed himself from the table. This gotta be the first time I've ever seen that angry face directed towards me.

"Smells good in here" I mumbled as I reached the kitchen. "Good evening,(y/n). You're just the person I wanted to see today" Trey said as he stirred some pastry dough "I need to make some filling for some cream puffs can you start making the filling for me" He asked and I nodded. He's done stuff for me might as well return the favor right. Per his instructions I prepared and made the mixture to the T. then i began stirring in my own little world when a cold chill was felt behind me and a hand wrapped around mine "you're mixing it wrong. You're supposed to be more gentle with it" Trey said as he moved the stirring spoon in my hand,mixing the filling slowly and carefully while he placed the other on my hips like he's keeping me stable. Once done he took the bowl from my grasp and set it aside "thank you for the help i appreciate it" he said as he kissed my hand before I left. I wonder when he began to be so touchy?

"T this is for you" Deuce said as he held out a singular flower out to me "aww. That's so sweet of you deuce" I said as i took the flower "are you cleaning the manor today. Can i help?" Deuce asked eagerly "well ya, i am. It's nothing i need help with-" i could barely get the rest out as he sprinted away. I sighed and let deuce clean whatever he thought was dirty or dusty. Really i was just going to sweep the second floor and dust the paintings. While i was dusting Deuce came running up the stairs eager to see me "I cleaned the down stairs for you" He said "oh thank you. I guess that leaves one less thing to take care of. Anyway what's all this for" I asked he looked down slightly "I remember helping you with chores like this. Its a way we spend our days together" He replied oddly enough "well who am I to deny your umm.... Nostalgia" I chucked "than can i stay with you. I always wanted to go into ramshackle with you" deuce beamed as he grabbed my hand "I don't think you can" i replied "We can try. I can try. I'll even break down the door if it means we can get inside" Deuce smiled as his grip tightens "umm how about we just take a walk around the property. Maybe chat about your memories" I spoke finding some quick way to snap him out of whatever zone he was in "oh that's fine too. Shall we" he said as he let go of my hand. What's gotten into him?

"HA HA I won! Finally!" ace exclaimed as he slaps down the final uno card "you're a fast learner" I smiled as I equally enjoyed myself "Do i get a prize" Ace asked "a prize?" I questioned and he nods "if you win a game you get prizes. Money, bragging rights, even valuables." Ace listed "well i have nothing on me right now so maybe we could ask trey to bake you some treats or something" I offered "hmmmm...That's not fair. You lost~" he said as he rest his head on his hand "how about a kiss" Ace asked "I don't think I'm capable of doing that" I chucked "Why not. You never hesitated before. Come on just on the cheek" He smiled "or do you want me to just steal one from you" he asked with a certain... hostility. "Fine, fine. Come here" I said. He smiled widely and practically skipped over. He went on his knees and I bestowed a kiss on the cheek satisfying him...for now at least. Although he was always satisfied when I offered Trey's treats. Wonder what changed?

I couldn't move. The cold shot me awake but I couldn't move. This happens many nights in a row. I'll give it 3. Sleepless,cold ,and motionless. Truly a horrifying experience. "You don't look so well" a voice spoke snapping me out of my slight trance. How long was i staring at that wall. I turned to see Cater "oh it's just I haven't been sleeping well these past few days I was staying here" I explained "oh that's too bad. How about I'll make you some tea before bed" Cater offered. I nod. That night before bed, Cater prepared some tea of my liking then disappeared somewhere. The warm drink relaxed my body and mind almost like a soft invisible blanket or a nice lullaby. I should thank Cater personally so I began making way to the art room. I didn't see Cater but what I did see was an uncovered painting. Curiosity got the best of me so I took a peak. To my horror and surprise it was a painting of me asleep "do you like it" A Cater spoke from behind which made me jump "This one is much better then the last. At least i would think so" he adds "...but why in my sleep" i asked "I like to see you in your most natural state. I told you this remember..well it was some time ago." he said as he placed his hand underneath his chin "I wonder why you dislike it. Were you lying when you said you didn't mind or has time chipped your memory" Cater mumbled but quickly waved it off "anyways. It's late and you should be asleep. I'll be up and fixing and making final touches" Cater stated as he passed me. I couldn't sleep after that. "Did I really say that?"

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