Exploration (pt 2)

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Personally I wasn't expecting much in Savanaclaw. Seeing that this was made and renovated in the 90's there shouldn't be any ghosts. I expect at least 1. After shutting the door behind me I heard someone running behind me. I whipped my head around and saw nothing. I just got here. I sighed away the nerves while I looked down at grim who began to explore. Grim looks lax so maybe the ghost are chill as well. I walked around the Savanclaw's first floor and the magic crystal detected nothing. Then I heard grim hissing. My necklace vibrated like crazy when i keep walking to the lounge. When i arrived, i see a guy picking grim up by the scuffle while glaring at him. What's so weird is that he has lion ears and a tail other then that he just had some bell bottoms and a black tank top showing off his cool looking lion tattoo on his bicep. As i was gawking at this man i felt something slip out my pockets. When I turned around I saw a person who was mostly visible taking that cutter box I found on that gamboling table. He looks up at me and laughs as he waves the box before running off. I turned back to grim who dropped out of his clutches at this point. Seeing he's ok I began chasing after the ghost. Everytime he turns a corner he ends up behind me.the necklace doesn't help as it vibrates every few seconds and by the time it vibrates he's already gone. I followed him out back where the gardens were. I was out of energy and stamina when i enter the gardens so I just flopped. I really wasen't expecting a workout just to find a few ghosts. I panted and wheezed so I went to a bench to rest for a little while. While I catch my breath the necklace vibrates. I looked next to me to see that ghost's smirky face. He drops the box cutter on my stomach "you lasted longer than expected" he spoke which made my eyes widen. I shot up and looked at him as he laughed at me. Before I could even asked any questions ,or get a better description than his hyena-like features,he vanished with a blink of a eye. I put the cutter in my pocket. When I put the cutter away I spotted a lock pick kit on the floor. It looked old and worn down but there was still a legible name on the tag. Ruggie bucchi. Maybe that was that hyena fellow that took my box. I'm still a bit tired so I just jotted this down so I wouldn't forget. After that break I head back inside just to hear clanking. I returned to the lounge and grim was laying on the couch so I assumed he was just tired as well. The clanking continued as I walked up the stairs. The necklace vibrated but in much slower interables. It was coming from the gym area so I headed over there. The gym was empty aside from a few weights scattered around different spots. I didn't know ghost needed a workout routine. When I looked over by the benches I spotted a somewhat visible person. He had the ears and tail like a wolf but looked like the bar was trying to to pass through him. Dude looked like he does some sort of street fighting or was he a boxer or a runner. He vanished as soon as he put up the weighted bar which gave me an opportunity to look at his set up. Bro's lifting more weights than me. He must've been pretty strong. As I walked around I kicked something. A water bottle. It was one of those bottles that already has your name on it by the looks of it. It just says Jack. Then the treadmill started running on it's own. I assumed Jack was that wolf looking guy so I placed the bottle on the treadmill and left. I wrote down my findings and began to head downstairs. As I reached the bottom steps I spotted legs hiked up on the couch. I looped around the couch to see that same guy sleeping. He had a scar over his eyes which makes me wonder if he had a fight when he was alive. "You've got a camera. Take a picture it'll last longer" He spoke which surprised me a little. He opened one of his eyes "well what are you standing here for. Don't you have any respect for privacy" he said "well I just want to ask for a name" i asked but he gets up and stairs me down "leona kingscholar. Happy now herbivore? Now you have something to write in that little journal of yours" he grumbles "now, scram. I'm not in the mood to be bothered by your living presents" leona said as he walked off towards the back gardens. When I looked around the corner he was gone. I huffed slightly. He was rude. Well atleast i got his name. I sighed and looked back at grim who was waking up. I guess we'll just move on. 

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