The "little things" they do (Ignihyde)

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Being watched is something I grew accustomed to. Living with ghost watching your every move. Idia is no different although he tends to avoid me then most. Prefers to be on his own and barely bothers me unlike his younger brother. idia is a man of secrets and every time i clean or spend a night over here there's always some specific room he doesn't want me to visit or stumble upon. He's simply a normal shy stereotypical ghost. But lately he's gone creeper. Sometimes i can see a flicker of light in my room every now and then or he just looks at me behind some corner. I should be used to being watched but....idia's glances are the most chilling.

"Idia" i spoke which made him jump from his seat. He turns around to me all timidly "y yes" he asked "you know you can just come talk to me" i stated and he nods "then why do you just stare at me all day" i asked "doesn't the others do the same thing" Idia replied "yes but even rook says hello to me. You don't have to be so shy. Feel free to be open" I stated before walking off. I suppose I let my guard down around him but he's too timid to even interact with me. So I thought...

Idia asked me to clean his lab so I obliged and aided in his organization. While cleaning i came across a picture. It was a well done sketch of a person in some school uniform. The date seems to be somewhere in the victorian era like 1800's. They somehow have my face. There were more papers of this person below and notes scattered around. I never read the notes, only saw pictures. Similarly to the build of ortho, this person was a build for some doll. This doll model had my name as the name for the doll. Maybe it's something like Cater. I brushed it off and placed back the loose papers in the folder. Once I was done cleaning I began to head out of the lab. Once out i saw a door open. I assumed idia was there so I went to the door and entered the room. The room was pitch black so I had to feel around for a light switch. There wasen't a switch but there was a string which I pulled on to illuminate the room. Paper scattered around designs,outfits, part blueprints. Everywhere and scattered around. All had something in common each had my name on them. In the center of the room was a life size doll. This doll had the same uniform as the picture found in the lab and it had my face "you weren't suppose to see this yet..." a voice spoke from behind. Idia stood tall in the darken corner. He walks up the the doll and fixed the clothing "do you....... like it" he asked "this is supposed to be your present when you die" Idia explained "I'm not dying yet" I replied "Oh I know. I prefer you to stay alive just a little longer" Idia stated as he looks at me "I want to reminisce how you look just like them" He smiled "same face. Same scars...almost like a digital copy" Idia list "once i can make my attachment to your soul. You'll be able to use this doll. Like you're alive. Like ortho. Wouldn't that be cool" Idia said "what if i don't want a attachment" I asked "like you have a choice" he frowns as the tips of his hair turns red "ok..." i mumbled "so do you like it so far" Idia asked "ya.. Keep up the good work" I replied which made him soften "I'll continue to work hard..for you" He smiles not caring if i lied through my teeth.


"Big sister, where are you?" ortho asked. I was currently in the kitchen making a snack for myself "I'm in here" i called a doll like head popped though the corner. "Can we go outside" Ortho asked "sure. Idia's locked in his lab again" i asked and he nods "it's fine though he's busy with your gift" ortho said with a smile. I know what that gift was. I stumbled upon it the other night. There's nothing gift worthy about it. "When will you think you'll use it" ortho asked "i...I don't know" i replied "Big brother worked really hard on it so I'm happy you like it" ortho smiled and i just nod as i finished up my food "hmm how would you want to die. I can do it painlessly if you like" Ortho asked "painlessly" i questioned "I did it with idia so i can do it for you too if you like" the child beamed. My blood went cold as i let this information sink in. "dose Idia know" I asked and he nods enthusiastically "He understands how lonely it is being dead so I had him join me" he smiled "If you'll allow me. You can join us and we wouldn't be lonely anymore" He stated. "Well how about we don't talk about it and plan a surprise for your brother" I stated trying to change the topic. Ortho beamed and nod "come on let's go in town and look for something" Ortho said as he dragged me by my hand so care free like this conversation never happened

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