From The Beginning

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"Don't feel despair. He only did this for the sake of the kingdom," Crowley said as he tried to comfort the crying prince/princess "it's not fair. I never wish to marry" they sobbed "It's for the sake of the kingdom. Think about this. Would you rather have your people suffer a once sided battle or live to see tomorrow" Crowley stated, which ceased their cries,sorting them into sniffles "what if I don't make it out alive... you've heard. The fae king is ruthless.." they stated as they glance at there reflection 

Viewing the scene as if I was a ghost myself only to be shocked by the sight of my own reflection staring back at me. My eyes red from crying as my skull tightens around my fragile brain. Then a knock was heard by the door "Your highness, it's time to leave" a familiar voice spoke. Out of my control, my body moved as I went to the door to see a familiar face. Lilia? I question yet... he looked different. His hair was longer and had red highlights. In contrast of his warmer eyes, when this lilia glances at me it's almost like he's calling me pathetic. I couldn't even look at him. "Come, you mustn't keep the king waiting no longer" lilia spoke as he moved behind me, edging me out of my own room, guiding me away from my safe haven. Down thousands of stairs and through unfamiliar halls, we reached the throne room where the king sat. my eyes glued to the floor as he gave lilia his blessing to whisk me away. A stray tear fell on the floor as lilia took me by the hand leading me to a carriage. The ride was long and silent, only feeling the hard glares though the back of my head. I ignored this feeling and glanced up out the window just in time to see the sensory changing from once luscious forest, to dark bark, and gloomy skies. I found this odd for we were overseas. Perhaps magic did exist some time ago. There in the distance was a familiar sight. Diasomnia wing... was it always this big. My eyes glance in awe as my jaw slacks a little. No way... this was the castle in all of it's glory. The

carriage rode up the hill and reached the entrance where more guards were waiting. Lila tisk "I told him i don't need any extras." he huffed "Our king only wished for the Prince/Princess safe arrival. To him this is necessary" the guard replied. Lilia rolled his eyes "move" he whispered as we continued walking through the gates. Unlike the property I once knew, the only building around was the giant castle right in front of us. It looks no different than the same building which stands today during my time. My heart pounds loud like a drum. Each step I took, that thumping grew louder. Walking though dim lit halls to an unfamiliar room. a large throne is what stood before me. This wasn't here before..or at least in my time. There in the middle on the throne sat a familiar figure. Lavish robes cover his body and a large silver crown decorated his horns. Familiar green eyes pierced down at me almost like a casting that was malleus. My vision grew blurry as a wave of dizziness washed over,covering me in cold sweat. Before i knew what was happening, I was falling to the floor.

"I should apologize my lord, humans are fragile creatures." Lilia said as he carried the sleeping prince/princess. "I hold nothing against them." malleus replies "make sure they are well. It must be a long journey for them. We will discuss arrangements when they awake." Malleus spoke with a soft smile plastered on his face


===========Kalim Forgot(short fic)=====================

Kalim looks particularly frustrated today. Of Course a angry ghost is the worst thing ever, so I decided to investigate the problem. I head over where kalim is sulking with his cheeks all puffed up "kalim. What is the matter" I asked. He turns around and lights up. Kalim made a attempt to grab my shoulders but phazes right through me falling to and through the ground. Weird... "y/n have you seen kalim? I came to bring him some food" Jamil asked "I thing he phazed though the ground. He might be on the second floor" I replied which made him sigh and mumbled "not again". I was going to ask what he meant but I have errands to do

Later on I returned to Scarabia to check on Kalim only to be tackled by the man "FINALLY. CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW" Kalim yells making my head spin "loud and clear.."i mumbled "oh sorry. You've just been ignoring me I thought i did something wrong" Kalim explains "could it be because you were invisible" I explained, which made him think. His face flushed up somewhat embarrassed as he covers his face "right.." he laughs as he scratched the back of his head "I forgot"

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