The Fire that burned Joy

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"(N/n) look this way for me" lilia said as he applied final touches to my face. Hours before the bells of peace rang and I couldn't be happier. "Be Careful not to smile too hard. I fear you might crack your face" lilia said as he held his own small smile. Minutes before i was to walk the ile to see my future husband,minutes before both sides will be satisfied and end this cease fire. Lilia helps me up, he insisted to walk me down to his king, and we head to the venue. Music plays with my entrance but it is drowned by my ever beating heart as I step closer and closer to something bright.

My- no... Our wedding was supposed to be a joyous day.

"I Malleus Draconia, take (Y/n) to be my (wife/husband/spouse) to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part" He said as his eyes softened. I smiled, his hands in mine "I (full name) take Malleus as my husband" before i could finish my white (gown/suit/dress) is covered in red. In Front of my eyes there my husband shielded me from a silver arrow which went through his shoulder. Behind came the army. A army who slayed human and fae indiscriminately dreaming all human participants traders of their kind "Your highness follow me" Lilia said as he grasp my hand "w what...but malleus" I mumbled "You need to go. The humans lied to us. You're merely a sacrifice to their own needs" Lilia said as he dragged me along shielding me away from the slaughter. We entered a secret room which lead me to the catacombs underneath the castle. "There down the tunnel will take you outside. Run as fast as you can. I'll hold them off" lilia said "No. wait no don't go...w we can leave all of us. I i i can make this right my father would listen to-" my mouth was covered as lilia placed a kiss on my forehead "we will meet again. You'll come back when the time is right.for now you need to go. Now" he said as he turned back. Leaving me in the darkness alone....

The light of the moon greeted me. My legs could hardly carry me. I have to keep running. With the moon as my guide I ran out to the forest only to feel heat. I turn to see the castle in flames. I ran back. I had to...

fire burned my skin as I rushed to the venue. There my husband ,barely hanging on, looked at me in shock "I...I forgot to finish" I said as I walked towards his dying from and held him in my arms... "I (full name) take Malleus as my husband"

to have and to hold from this day forward,

for better, for worse,

for richer, for poorer,

in sickness and in health,

until death do us part....

That day is where I i thought...

I woke up in my old room. Alive and well. A new attendent sat beside me. "What happened?" I asked. When the flames cooled I was found alive under the rubble. Malleus shields my body. "Did he say anything" I asked the attendant shook his head "he did speak but. I was ordered never to tell you anything. It's best if you forget about that place. It's cursed now" he said before leaving.

Nightmares flooded my brain of that night. The raging flames. The death of those I loved. I couldn't bear it. So... I died of a broken heart.


I gasped awake as what felt like a hammer was pounding into my chest. To my disappointment I awakened in a carriage'why am i still stuck here..' my thoughts were interrupted "Are you alright your highness" a familiar voice spoke. In Front of me was a young man with white hair and aura-purple like eyes. 'Silver?'

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