8: Unveiling the Magic Within + bonus scene

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**This chapter will be edited soon**

My eyes fluttered open as I slowly regained consciousness. I found myself lying on a comfortable, plush bed in a room, radiating a soothing aura. The gentle scent of lavender hung in the air, calming my racing heart. I tried to move. It wasn't that easy.

When my surroundings came into focus, I realized I was in the infirmary. Soft, warm light filtered in through the curtains, making a gentle glow on the room's white walls. There were illustrations of herbs and glasses with potions.

A kind face appeared in front of me. It was Alice, whose eyes were concerning. I winced, surprised of her. She extended a hand to help me sit up. I was hesitant at first but then I accepted, slowly sitting up.

"There, there, dear," Abby said soothingly. "You had quite a tumble in class. Do not worry I will help you."

My head throbbed faintly, and I instinctively touched my temple, recalling the moment when I had fainted during the second period. I blinked and tried to focus on her words.

With gentle expertise, Alice offered me a small, crystal vial filled with a shimmering purple potion. "This is a mild restorative elixir," she explained. "It should help alleviate the discomfort and fatigue you are feeling."

I was confused, "Are you a nurse?"

"School's protector."

I was just glaring on the glass in her hand. "Who made the potion?"

"Older students from higher grades restock our potions, I didn't do it, I am better at protecting."

"When you say protect you mean magical protection?"


I accepted the vial, took a sip, and felt an immediate soothing sensation wash over me. The throbbing in my head began to subside, and my thoughts cleared. It was as though the potion had a magic of its own, whispering healing spells to my body.

Alice sat down beside me and offered a warm smile. "You see, my dear, magic is a wondrous but sometimes demanding force. For someone like you, who has lived among humans without encountering magic, it can be overwhelming at first."

"You talk like a book–"

"Thank you."

"How long should I wait to go back to class?"

"Just a minute or few."

I nodded, grateful for the her understanding. I couldn't deny that the world of magic was unlike anything I had ever experienced, and it was taking a toll on me. Exhilarating and daunting.

"You're not alone in this," Alice continued. "Many young witches and wizards go through similar experiences when they first discover their magical abilities. It takes time and practice to attune yourself to the magical currents."

"How many of them are in my grade?"

"None actually, they are now older in higher grades."

I nodded. "Okay."

I listened to her more reassuring words and felt a glimmer of hope. I might be a newcomer to this enchanting world, but I was determined to embrace it fully and master the magic that lay within me. The infirmary's calm ambiance and Alice's wisdom were the perfect reassurance that I needed on my magical journey. And more of the elixirs.

.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.

When I was feeling better I decided to go back to class, some time remained and I wanted to attend. My urge to control my magic was growing bigger since I had awaken it. Something was telling me to absorb every information Arcanum Manor will offering me – to take do everything for the great power my heritage was promising to me.

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