13: Learn now, Found it later

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Nestled in a quiet corner of the academy grounds, the Santos' academic home was a perfect and comforting place. It looked like a quaint little cottage straight out of all the fairy tales I'd read as a child.

With Danny on one side and Partick on other, we sat in the medium-sized mesmerizing garden across from Mr. and Mrs. Santos. The furniture was charmingly rustic, and I found myself lost in the intricate patterns carved into the wood until Danny nudged me gently, bringing my attention back to the tea his dad was now serving in front of me.

"Thank you, Mr. Santos," I said hypnotizing the decorated China cup before me.

He chuckled. "Stop with the formalities, you can call me Theo like always, Elvira," he said with a warm smile, while serving the tea for his sons this time.

I had always loved to be in their house back in our town, but here it was a new thrilling event. All of us now known as magic users, and in the enchanted beautiful place.

I bit my lip with a quiet laugh under my breath. "Yes, but you're my teacher now."

"I don't see us in a classroom right in the moment, so don't worry about it," he reassured, exchanged a brief smile with Danny beside me and took the teapot aside.

He sat down next to his wife and gave us a look. Like he was proud of all his three children, except, in fact, I wasn't the family member.

I opened my mouth to say something, but Mrs. Santos altered her short brown curls, exhaled and gave me an apologetic smile. "Elvira, it's so good to see you again," she stated with a sad tone.

"I missed you, Silvia," I said and made sure to mention her name which she noticed and scoffed with a grin avoiding my gaze.

Glancing at all of them I pointed out, "I missed you all." It had been weeks since Patrick and his parents helped me to move out from my father's house. From the bloody mansion.

"How have you been?" she asked with teary eyes.

It left me confused, so I tried to speak softly while nodding. "Good and you?"

"Busy, as always. But never too busy for our favorite guest." She smiled and turned to Patrick and Danny. "You boys behaving?"

"Always, Mom," Patrick replied, rolling his eyes playfully.

"Daniel?" Silvia shot her brows at her son and then exchanged a look with her husband when Danny hesitated.

"Always, mom," he pipped and brought the tea to his lips, side eyeing me.

His response left me speechless, my mouth slightly ajar. It had to be incredibly challenging for them, hiding a child bursting with magic from the world until he could learn to control his powers.

It had to be even harder to be that child.

Danny and I exchanged a brief smile before I turned my attention back to his parents.

Silvia nodded, pausing for a moment before speaking to me again. "Elvira, I am so sorry. I've never, ever noticed that you were a witch. I should have thought about it. I am so sorry."

That was something I'd wanted to ask, at least I'd been thinking about it. Because if they'd never noticed or thought about, that I could be magical...

They for sure were passive and I was positive about it.

"That's okay, I am here now," I said, trying to push aside the throbbing pain within me — I still felt that I'd found out about magic way too late. That I could have been with Patrick in the magical elementary school program all the years ago, but maybe everything would be very different and maybe I wouldn't be this drawn to Danny like to forbidden fruit.

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