10: Upside down

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"Well... Elvi, this is awkward, but I forgot the thing in my room, what I went for."

I released Danny's hand, that I haven't even realized I was holding, and gave him a mocking grin, "Really?"

Danny avoided my eyes, rather darting his gaze around the majestic boy's dormitory hall and scratched the back of his neck. "Wait here."

I slightly panicked, "Danny, can I be in boy's dormitory alone?"

"Uhm... Good question. Just wait on me outside."

Sneering, I nodded and whispered. "Okay. Don't make me wait for too long. I swear if you would forget about me."

Now his eyes sparkled pinned into mines and he chuckled. "Don't worry. I'll be right back."

As Danny jogged back to his room and I made my way towards the grand exit, a playful smirk still lingering on my lips.

We had kissed minutes ago in his room, and I was still in amazement. Even though we had no idea what it meant for us, I felt that our kiss was exactly what we needed.

But before I could reach the handle, a firm hand grabbed my arm and pulled me in the opposite direction.

Confused, I turned to see Natasha's floating brown hair in that motion. This classmate who had been less than friendly to me in the past days. My heart fell as I realized she was stronger than me and that I needed to catch up with her.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked, trying to maintain my composure despite the unease creeping in.

Natasha ignored my question and led me into a different dorm, slamming the door behind us. I looked around, searching the green walls and nicely decorated room, However, my attention was pulled to a familiar book on one of the shelves.

Wait a minute — that was my fantasy book. I had lent it to Patrick the day before.

"Why are we in Patrick's room?" I demanded, my voice tinged with annoyance and suspicion.

Natasha's expression remained unreadable as she finally spoke, her tone sharp. "We needed to talk, Elvira. And it couldn't wait."

"In Patrick's room?"

"Relax, jeez. I went to see Mason." She stated and saw my confusion. "His roommate."

Oh. Patrick had mentioned that.

"I don't see him around, perhaps you could have wait outside?" I pointed out, folding my arms on my chest.

"It's not relevant right now, I really need to talk to you, after you've just..." she whispered, leaving me puzzled, but I couldn't help noticing that she was glancing around and nervously grasping on her necklace with the shimmery stone on it.

"About your necklace?"

"So, you do see it!"

"Which means?" I barked, masking my confusion, why she needed to speak, from all the people, with me.

Natasha inhaled and tried to be calm, but her voice was harsh. "Look, I know you feel amazing, that so many people consume everything you do and say here, but you have to understand it is not what it looks like."

I leaned my head back and sighed. "I know you're probably upset, that they broadcast my late arrival and talked about my mom and not about yours, but you should know, I don't have anything to do with that. I had no idea—"

Natasha cut me off with a wave of her hands, in calmer demander than ever before. "No, I am not jealous. I am trying to warn you."

"From?" I gave her my annoyed glance. I didn't understand this girl.

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