15: The switch

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Alice was taking us to the teleportation chamber without uttering a single word, leaving me more nervous than I could admit.

How in the universe had I agreed to this trip on the very first school day and then gotten caught? I'd been so blinded by Danny.

Despite my quiet protests the whole walk, he took my hand and kept me close as we walked down the spiral stone stairs to the ancient stone. I glanced at him to see his apologetic look, knowing how much trouble we were in once we reached the academy. Neither our teacher Linda nor our principal Hawthorne would be happy about this.

Alice stopped before the teleportation artifact and cleared her throat before turning back to us, raising her eyebrows high. Danny pressed his side to mine and hid our joined hands behind his back so Alice couldn't see it. But I sensed she might not be stupid.

My eyes found a better view on the floor out of embarrassment from our upcoming scolding, but Danny nudged me gently to collect myself.

"I can assume that you both were absent for the whole afternoon activities," Alice pointed out softly.

I took a deep breath, preparing to apologize or say something, but Danny was faster.

"We were with my parents. They are professors," he said, trying to sound confident.

Alice nodded with a face of acknowledgment and then said, "I know who they are."

The silence that followed felt heavy as the air was thick with tension. I could feel my heart racing, and I squeezed Danny's hand for reassurance. He squeezed back with his thumb gently rubbing my knuckles. My body shivered.

Alice's gaze softened slightly. "You two should know better than to sneak off without permission. The rules are in place for a reason."

I nodded, my voice barely above a whisper. "We're sorry, Alice. It won't happen again."

Alice sighed with her stern expression returning. "For now, let's get you back to the academy."

Danny released my hand, stepped on the stone tile as a first and I froze. I wasn't sure if to use my stone in front of Alice, because Natasha had said clear enough that it was a secret. But then I wondered how would I survive the magic travel without fainting.

Alice noticed my distress and glanced at my hand in a pocket. "You may consume your elixir now. It will assist you in enduring the high magic for a few moments in advance."

And just like that she resolved my concern and I nodded quickly to distract her from my hands as I had the elixir in totally different pocket. She shouldn't know about my stone.

Making a few steps to stand next to Danny I started to gulping the liquid fast.

Alice waited on me to give her the empty glass and stepped closer to us, placing each hand on our shoulders firmly.

"Rather close your eyes," she said to me and took a deep breath, clearly preparing for the teleportation.

"Oh, I know," I blurted out and squeezed my eyes hard until I saw stars.

Alice activated the teleportation artifact, and within moments, I sense the great power going through all of us. The warmth of my magic pulsing in my veins distracted me enough from the uncomfortable glow.

After a second Danny cleared his throat beside me and Alice released her grip. I opened my eyes, side-eyeing his smirk and tried to steady my breathing before walking out from the teleportation artifact.

I felt just a little dizzy but I looked around to savor the view of the catacomb chamber.

We were transported back to Arcanum Manor and even after just a few days studying here, the familiar surroundings felt comforting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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