9: Sweet Nothing

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This chapter is now complete :)

After the invigorating physical education class, our group made its way to the herbology classroom. The transition from the woods with heavy terrain to the enchanting setting of the greenhouse filled with a vibrant organized realm was a welcome change.

Linda greeted us with a warm smile as we entered. She seemed to radiate an aura of wisdom and knowledge about the magical plants that surrounded us. We were tasked with assisting her to take care of flowers.

"Freshmen, welcome to the world of magical flora!" Linda announced, gesturing towards the neatly organized pots. "We're going to be working with tulips today, a versatile and essential ingredient in many potions and potions. Keep that in mind."

While my classmates began gathering pots, Linda provided detailed instructions on the care and handling of the tulips. I had never thought that these plants were anything more than just ordinary beauties. Looks like I was wrong. These magical flowers in front of me, with their diverse hues and shapes, left me in awe. Same as my grandma had on her porch. Smile formed on my lips with the memory of her. It was only Monday and I wanted to jump on a bus and see her. I should have seek some distraction from the tulips.

I stood between Danny and Patrick in front of a large flower pot. Nicole, ever the prankster, seized the opportunity in front of us to add a touch of mischief to the herbology class. I noticed her shooting mischievous glances towards Patrick, who had been engrossed in Linda's instructions.

Suddenly, while Linda was discussing the proper way to transplant tulips, a mischievous grin spread across Nicole's face. She encourage Josephine to discreetly cast a spell that caused a small, harmless explosion of magical confetti to burst around Patrick. It was a smart move to use Josephine since she was used to magic for years and knew more spells.

The sudden burst startled him, and the confetti floated gently down, adding a whimsical touch to the herbology lesson. I hid my face in my hands with giggles. The entire class erupted in laughter, and even Linda could not contain a smile at the surprising scene.

Patrick, bewildered but good-natured about the prank, playfully scolded Nicole, "You couldn't resist, could you?"

Nicole winked and elbowed laughing Josephine, "It's all in the name of magical education, Patrick. Consider it a practical demonstration. Besides I saw you how you were giggling on me and I wanted to remind you that it was you who wore sparkly t-shirt."

"Oh my, Nicole." Patrick was brushing hand over his giggling face then he side-eyed me. "You always knew how to gift me, Elvira."

I scoffed at him and raised my hands on the offensive. "You were the one who deserved it. And you don't have to wear it."

He elbowed me snorting. "That's okay, I wanted to."

The laughter echoed through the greenhouse as we continued our herbology lesson with more pranks and jabs from the Nicole pocket, while the tulips took center stage in our magical education. The ones with awaken magic powers could drink or smear potion from it and heal themselves – tulips reacted with magic in the blood.

Danny seemed to be glued to me, helping me with tasks, casting a charm from now and then. When he was holding my hand and helped me to enchant one of many leaves my vision blurred.

He immediately noticed my uneasiness. "Do you have the potion somewhere?" He held me by my waist, gently as I was going down slowly trying to grab something. I was losing consciousness.

I silently patted my pocket of the school's blazer and he carefully grabbed one of the few vials, snatching the lid and helping me drink it. With a gulp my muscles stopped to hurt but my eyes were still blurry. His operation was so swift that I was able to straighten my posture right after relief went through me, that Linda and rest of the class had no idea that something happened. Except for Patrick. When Danny released me, Patrick stepped closer and check my temperature by placing his hand on my forehead.

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