5: Old as new - edited

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Patrick rushed to our table and it dawned on me that he was genuinely here. Real and presented at the Arcanum Manor. It was indeed my best friend who had mentioned he was attending an esteemed chemistry school.

But what he was doing here?

"Patrick?" I replied, thoroughly confused standing up and taking few steps to meet him.

"I've been searching for you since they informed me of your arrival!"

"Oh my, it's really you. Come here!" I shouted with joy as he enveloped me in a tight hug. It was a delightful surprise to reunite with my best friend after weeks of being apart. We had lost touch since I moved to my grandmother's place, and our last meeting was at my father's home when we said our farewells, expecting to see each other again during autumn break or Christmas.

"What are you doing here?" I breathed out to his neck.

He chuckled softly. "What do you think I am doing at the witch academy, Elvi?"

A laugh left my lips. Never had I thought that my best friend would had a magic secret. We always had been too honest to each other for that. At least I thought.

When we pulled away from our embrace, he turned his attention to my newfound friends and addressed them, "Hey, sorry to intrude. Elvira is the reason why I stayed in elementary school for humans and transferred to the academy only now."

I studied his features for a moment from the surprise of his words. It meant he could had been at the Arcanum Manor before, but he had been rather studying with me. Because of me?

Nicole was captivated by our reunion, her eyes sparkling as she giggled. "Is that true, Elvira?" Her gaze met mine, and I couldn't find any words.

"Yes we were together whole elementary school, but I had no idea," I whispered, turning to him, just to catch his thrill.

"I can't believe this," Patrick admitted, still reeling from the revelation. "I had no idea you were a witch, Elvi. I thought you were at a regular school, just like me because you were, well, human," he said the last word with a sigh. "Honestly I've always wished we would be in it together."

"So you had a chance to study here before that?" I whispered, still coming to terms with the new reality. "Pat, did you know you are a wizard the whole time?"

"Yes, of course," he said with a hint of guilt for not sharing this with me before. He'd had a secret. And I had been blind to see it.

"You could have told me, you know. I wouldn't have told anyone," I reassured him. "You know I've never let any of your secrets slip out."

"I know. I really wanted to, but my parents didn't allow me to reveal it. We can't just disclose our identities to anyone. I've tried countless times to change their minds, that you are trustworthy. But we had no idea you were a witch. Were you hiding it all this time?" Patrick chuckled, assuming I had known about my identity or how to hide such a thing. I tilted my head and gave him a look.

"Ha ha, you goof." My voice held sarcasm. "I didn't even know myself. I was told just hours ago," I laughed, then I winced and a playful smirk formed on my face. "You know how to hide it?" Patrick shook his head with a smile, he was just teasing me.

Sudden realization hit me that I was speaking exclusively to Patrick, neglecting the others. I stepped aside and glanced at them. Nicole and Kate were leaning to each other and glaring at Patrick in absolute enthusiasm, Josephine now stood behind me and Danny was hiding behind Patrick, pale and uneasy like he tried to remove himself from our little gathering.

"Oh, sorry, guys. Patrick, do you know Nicole, Kate, Jo–"

Patrick cut me off, "Yes, I know everyone here. Plus we've become friends over the past two weeks, actually."

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