4: Delicious - edited

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As Josephine and I made our way into the dining room, the sheer display of food before my eyes was a feast for the senses. It was like a culinary symphony, with countless dishes ranging from fluffy scrambled eggs to an array of fresh fruits and pastries. Something similar would be served back at my father's house, but there would not be that pleasant atmosphere. I would be scold for any inconvenience and I would rather take my plate to my room. Then his wife Yolanda would try to talk me to go back. Like every time.

The fragrant melody of bacon and sausages that hung in the air was like a siren's call, making my stomach sing a hungry tune. Even when I had eaten a sandwich back at the gas station.

The grand dining hall, which moments ago had exuded an elegant charm, was now a lively hubbub of students. Laughter, chit-chat, and the clinking of cutlery filled the air. As I walked forward, I couldn't help but feel a few pairs of eyes studying me curiously. Were they looking at me because I was the new kid on the block? Had my arrival been broadcasted to every corner of the academy? Or perhaps, did the enchanting inhabitants of Arcanum Manor have some innate sense for newcomers? The inquisitive gazes weren't discomforting, though; in fact, they seemed welcoming.

With every step, the dining hall unfolded like a beautiful tapestry before me. Every face, every student, appeared to be a masterpiece of beauty. It was as if the very air of Arcanum Manor was infused with a life elixir, making me wonder if it was some bewitching glamour or if I was losing my sight and sanity in the presence of such enchanting beings.

Guided by my roommate Josephine, I made my way to an inviting table with two girls. As I took my seat, a shy, nervous aura enveloped me.

"This is Nicole," Josephine chuckled, referencing a joke she had made about Nicole earlier in our dorm.

"Hi Elvira, it's nice to finally meet you," Nicole greeted me warmly, her dark eyes sparkling. She was undeniably beautiful, distinctly Filipino with long, healthy dark hair. Oh my god, she looked stunning. Framing her neck with expensive-looking headphones and her overall attire with gold jewelry exuded luxury. Her cute face made a grimace, "You can call me the resident prankster."

Josephine chuckled on that note, giving Nicole a look that undoubtedly meant, 'I finally pranked someone thanks to you'.

The other girl next Nicole giggled and then looked at me. "My name is Ketaki, but everyone calls me Kate." I tried hard not to stare at her. She looked like an Indian princess, her blue hair braided into many twist braids, and her green eyes nicely contrasting them, were enough for me to loose breath. It was for sure those to girls were real pals, but Kate's clothing style was almost the opposite of Nicole's luxurious look though. Kate had a beautiful cardigan in a boho style and harem pants, completing it with handmade natural jewelry.

"Hi, nice to meet you girls," I said at last. Today was full of new people and all of them wasted no time to be so nice to me. I freaking loved it.

"So glad to meet you," Kate added with a smile.

"Yeah, we wanted you earlier. I am so happy you're here now tho," Nicole blurted out.

"Really?" I was surprised. Did they genuinely care about anyone like that here, or was it just for my delayed arrival?

"Yeeeah, we all here know each other from elementary school – boring –, and it's definitely good to meet some new people. We were looking forward... Where have you been? You look good, were you on a vacay? Wow, you're so tanned." Nicole spoke rapidly, appearing a bit hyperactive.

I lost track of her questions and just stared with my mouth ajar in confusion.

"Of course, she spent time with her granny, Nicky..." Kate kindly said towards Nicole. She may know how to allay her friend.

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