Arlo 'Marlo' Gumtree

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Arlo Gumtree was a 12 year old boy from New York City. Nothing unusual about that; apart from the fact that Arlo was the most annoying ass pick me boy you could meet.

It would be an insult to all the extroverted kids that participate in plays to call Arlo a 'theatre kid' no, no, that would be cruel to compare him to them. Arlo was much worse.

After watching the Godfather, Arlo insisted that everyone calls him 'Marlo' after Marlon Brando. One of the main character in the film.

For months after seeing the movie he would try and fail miserably to speak in an Italian American accent.

Whenever he would mess up the accent he would just scream "FUGETTABOUTIT" to try take the attention away from his shameful preformace.

His parents begged him to stop. They even bought him a new laptop in hope that it would keep him quite.

It did for a while. Arlo would spend a lot of time after school browsing on his laptop. However this distraction from his original obsession, eventually lead to a way worse one.

One day, Alro ended up on an illegale movie website (because who has the money to pay for nexlfix each month)

He scrolled down the webpage to view the movies available, occasionally side eyeing the ads of the side of the screen "Stephanie is just 20 minutes away! She's wants to meet you!!"

That's when Arlo saw it, a poster of a slightly alien looking guy and a girl who had a face as lifeless as a barbie doll.

In big white letters with a red outline the poster spelled out "GREASE" in a kind of hippy style font.

For an hour and fifthy minutes, Arlo was glued to the computer screen. He didn't look away for a second. He couldn't stop staring at one girl -

Olivia Newton John.

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