The Séance

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"So, how exactly does this work" Alro questioned with a hint of anxiety in his voice.

He was worried about two things.

Fear no.1 - all of this is bullshit and he won't ever get to meet his true love, Olivia Newton John.


Fear no.2 - they séance does work and he meets Olivia, but he doesn't impress her and she doesn't instantly fall in love with Arlo.

One of the posters began to explain -

"First we need to gather candles, a picture of the person we wish to summon and something that belonged to them"

Alro stood thinking for a second then walked out of the room and quickly returned with a handful of tea light candles.

He then took down one of the posters of Olivia and placed it in the middle of the floor.

Arlo once again stood still, thinking about the last object he needed. Something belonging to the person he wanted to contact.

Alro suddenly got an idea (which was rare for him) He ran to get his laptop and after typing for a minute he placed it beside the poster on the floor.

On the screen was the dodgy movie website that Arlo was first introduced to Olivia with. It was on the title screen which displayed a large 'GREASE' logo in a red and white font.

Arlo plopped himself down on the floor beside the objects and lighted each candle with a match.

"Okay, so what now, my two dimensional babes?" He asked

"You're lucky that we aren't real or else we would be really creeped out right now" the poster on the floor replied "anyways, you must close your eyes and try commincate to the spirits"

Arlo was puzzled "try communicate? Like how? That's a bit of a vague description"

"Well there was more on the WikiHow article, but I wasn't bothered to read it all. It was too long and frankly you're not worth it"

"Wow for someone that is made from my subconscious you're really mean to me"

"Yeah and that's why imma disappear now and not speak to you ever again" just like that all the posters returned to their original lifeless stance.

Alro jumped hopped up from the floor "NO HEY YOU GOTTA TELL ME HOW TO DO THIS SHIT" after a minute Arlo realised the posters weren't going to help him anymore.

Even his subconscious mind hated him.

Alro decided to continue with the séance even though he had no fuckin clue what he was doing.

He began by arranging the tea lights into a circle . He placed the laptop and now lifeless poster of Olivia in the middle. He then raised his arms and said clearly and firmly -

"I wish to summon the hotass Olivia Newton John, I wish for her to be wearing nothing but a thon-"

Arlo was interrupted by a familiar tune.

"Grease is the word, they think out love is just a growing pain, why don't they understand, it's just a crying shame"

It was the grease theme song...the computer had started playing the movie without Alro pressing spooky.

Arlos eyes darted around the room looking to see if somebody or something had tampered with the laptop but he didn't find anything out of the ordinary.

He paused the movie on the screen and began to chant again -

"I wish to summon Olivia Newton John wearing nothing but a-"

Arlo heard a familiar angelic voice -


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