"The One That I Want"

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Arlo got home and resigned to his room after consuming his dinner of fish and chips.

His eyes immediately went to focus on his multiple posters of Oliva Newton John which were dotted across his room.

He went around to each poster individually and touched it like a little creepoziod. On some posters he would hold up her chin and trace his fingers around her lips. On other posters he'd pretend to brush a piece of hair out of her face.

This whole processes took about an hour because there were over 30 posters and Arlo would spend a good 5 minutes (at least) getting hard at each one.

When he finished giving himself erections Arlo flopped onto his bed, staring at the posters again.

"Oh Olivia, what I would give to spend one summer night on a beach with you"
he whispered.

"Me too Arlo..." Arlo heard a women's voice clearly say.

"Wait. What? who said that?" He sat up straight. Looking around his room, scared that somebody had been watching him the past hour....

"It was me"

Arlo looked to his right and saw one of his posters of Olivia was staring at him.

"Or rather us"

The rest of the posters in Arlos room suddenly shifted their eyes towards him.

Alro said (in I think you know who's voice)

"We're not here" one of the posters explained "we are merely a representation of your subconscious"

"That's why we don't mind when you be a little nonce and get hard when touching us" another poster added.

"Anyways, Arlo we haven't come to talk to you about your 'manly urges' we wanted to tell you that we've figured it out!"

"Figured out what?" Arlo was both confused and intrigued.

"How you can meet Olivia, the REAL Olivia"

"SANDY" Arlo screamed, once again in the John Travolta voice.

"Yes, now listen close, Arlo here's what you do"

"Wait hold on" Arlo interrupted because he had heard movement comming from outside his window.

Arlo slowly walked over to the curtains and pulled them back, to his suprise he saw Mr Cobbs, his maths teacher standing on the seventh story fire escape ladder, trying to peak into Arlos room.

"Mr Cobbs? What the fuck?"

"I'm a gooby goober yaaaaa" Mr Cobbs mumbled as he slowly started climbing back down the ladder.

Alro watched his teacher until he had gotten to the ground and started skipping down the street, still mumbling the same words.

Alro turned back around to face his posters "now what we're you saying, my darlings?"

"Yes Alro, we figured out a way to contact the real Olivia Newton John. Despite her being dead since 2022"

Arlos eyes widened in excitement, his pupils were larger then a regular sized portion plate in America.

"How? How do I talk to...the one that I want?"

"a séance Arlo, we hold a séance!"

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