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Alro Gumtree, a twelve year old boy from New York who low key commits sexual harassment on a daily basis swaggered down the street towards his apartment block.

It was 4pm on a Monday. Much to his parents disappointment, Arlo was coming home from school.

It was busy on the streets of New York. An introvert would have hated to be there. People bash into your side every couple of minutes; it was hard to walk through New York without touching anyone. That's why pedophiles love New York.

Forget what I just said, It's irrelevant. Arlo wasn't a pedophile.


Alro marched down the street. He sang "hopelessly devoted to you" as he gazed down at his phone scrolling through Pinterest looking at pictures of, guess who?

Olivia Newton John. Obviously.

Suddenly Alro bumped into a figure a similar size to his. He looked up and saw Billy Jones.
A boy in his class.

Billy had dark , wavy chocolate brown hair and pale green eyes. He always wore leather jackets. Even in the summer.

(Don't worry, he wasn't another Grease fanboy)

Billy was considered a bit of a fashion icon at school and rightfully so. He always looked great and that wasn't even taking his face into account. His face was a whole different masterpiece.

Billy had a sharp ass jawline and glowing baby skin that all the girls envied. Instead of asking for Billy's number or what he was doing later, girls would ask what non comedogenic oil he would use to shave his face.

the answer is Jojoba oil if you were wondering.

"Oh, sorry Arlo" Billy chirped as he went to walk by him.

Alro twisted around dramatically and gasped

"Excuse me?" Billy stopped walking and turned back to face Arlo. His eyebrows slightly raised.

"YOU KNOW THE RULES, LEO NO JAZZ BEFORE THE RUMBLE" Arlo said threateningly while spinning around and grabbing his crotch like Micheal Jackson.

"Uhhh my name is Billy?? we're in the same class, Arlo"

Arlo suddenly broke into a John travolta voice "AY I SAID NO JAZZ, NOW MOVE YOR ASS OUTTA HERE BEFORE I DO IT FOR YE"

Billy froze for a second, staring at Arlo in confusion. He then snapped back and shook his head to wake himself up.

"Okay....see you tomorrow, Alro" Billy shoved his hands in his brown leather jacket pockets and began walking down the street. Probably to  the Met Gala or something because my man had style.

As he walked away Alro once again screamed "NOOOOO JAZZZZZ" this resulted in Billy breaking into a run.

Arlo stared billy down until he had disappeared amongst the crowds of New York.

He sneered and still doing the John Travolta voice mumbled -

"Stupid Scorp - hangin on my turf"

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