"Its a Lifestyle"

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"Arlo this has to stop"

Principal Borris was sitting on the other side of the desk in his office.

Borris was a bald man with large black rimmed glasses that had no lenses in them. He wasn't poor sighted he just tried way too hard to be fashionable.

"What has to stop Barry?" Arlo cheerfully replied.

"Well...first of all it's Borris. Secondly I need you to stop all the singing and dancing and trying to convince girls that their name is Sandy, it's just a bit strange, Arlo" principal Borris explained as he waved his hands about.

Borris was a big hand talker you would think he was trying to summon a demon while talking to you with all the funky moves he does.

"Frankly we're all quite concerned about your mental state, it seems these behaviours are becoming a bit of an obsession" he said with a glum face.

"Grease isn't an obsession, it's a lifestyle" Arlo took the comb from his back left pocket and start combing his hair while attempting to smoulder at his principal, he failed.

"What happend, Alro. You used to be a great kid" principle Borris shook his head.

"No I wasn't, you hated me" Arlo shot him a dirty look.

"Yeah you're right I was lying" Borris addmited
"You can't blame me though you're an annoying fucker. I see why that girl, Quinn rejected you"

"OHHH BURN" a familiar voice called out from the broom closet door. It was quickly followed by a quiet "oh shit"

Principal Borris walked over to the closet door and flung it open, inside was Arlos maths teacher eas dropping on their conversation.


"Well where there's tea- I sip, sis" he replied shrugging his shoulders.

"What the fuck, Mr Cobbs in English please"

"WHEN THERES DRAMA I JUMP ON THE LLAMA, HOMIE" Mr Cobbs seemed to be getting frustrated now. Like a Spanish person trying to order mcdonals in Sweden. He obviously knows what he's saying but he's pissed that nobody can understand him.

"This is why you're a fuckin maths teacher and not an English teacher, Howard" Borris slammed the closet door shut and locked it with Mr Cobbs still inside.

He trotted back to his desks and sat back down in his huge black swivel chair.

"Now, Alro, where were we?"
"Oh yes, your lifestyle choices"

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