Chapter one -

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Thomas's POV
Dear Journal,

Now, I know it's super lame for a 18 year old to be using a journal but I have a lot on my mind so just deal with it.

There's this guy, Newt. He's super perfect and I really want him to like me, but I'm too scared to say anything because I don't even know if he's gay.

He goes to my school, I'll try to approach him before the end of the year. If I don't my punishment is: No parties all summer.

"Thomas, you home?!" Kaya called from outside the door as he put the journal away.

"Come in, sis!" He yelled back as the door swung open.

Kaya landed on her older brothers bed with a light thud. She pointed to his guitar as she pushed the wild strands of curly hair away from her freckly face.

"Writing songs, big brother?" She gushed, shoving her face into his chest.

"Maybe, I'm actually struggling with a guy." He replied, rubbing the back if his sweaty neck.

Kaya's head flew up, her eyes wild. "It's that Newt kid, isn't it?!" She yelled, jumping on the bed making the springs squeal painfully.

"Shhhhh, Kaya!" Thomas hissed, covering her mouth with a big sweaty hand.

"You better talk to him." She demanded, wiping the sweat residue when the hand was removed.

"I want to." Thomas muttered, his gaze falling to the floor.

"No time like the peresnt!" She gushed, grabbing his hands and lurching him forward.

"No, Kaya!" He protested but she continued to drag him.


"He's studying at that table." Kaya pointed once they had reached a café.

"I don't even want to know how you knew he'd be here." Thomas uncomfortably stated, rubbing his wrists.

"Good luck, use protection!" She called, exiting the building.

"One day, Kaya..." Thomas mumbled under his breath.

Newt sat comfortably, reading a book-the kill order He thought.

His blonde hair lightly in his eyes, that shone in the golden sun.

"This seat taken?" Thomas asked, breaking the trance Newt seemed to have with his book.

"N-No, not a-at al-l." Newt stuttered, putting his book away.

"Newt, right?" Thomas asked, even though he already knew the answer.

"U-Uh, y-yeah..s-sorry I don't u-usually talk to p-people." Newt tried to search for the right words but failed with a confused stutter.

"Really? Someone like you? I'd expect you to be the highlight of the town." Thomas chuckled.

"Really?" Newt asked, maybe too eagerly.

"For sure. Here, Kets exchange numbers and we can hang out later?" Thomas suggested.

"S-sure." Newt agreed with a sheepish smile.

As he reached for my phone his sleeve lifted up ever so slightly-revealing little red slashes all along his arms.

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