Chapter twenty one-

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"Newt, no!" Thomas exclaimed, grabbing Newts wrist. "Tommy I-"
"No!" He shouted.

Thomas slammed his fist against the side table in rage. "No! No! No! No! Your gonna get through this surgery and were gonna grow up and adopt two little boys and a sweet girl and we'll name her Samantha and and-" Thomas stopped ranting as tears streamed down his face.

He could see the heartbreak in Newts face. "Tommy.." Net whispered touching Thomas's face gently wiping away the tears with his thumb.

"Samantha is gonna be beautiful. And I'll watch over her."
"No!" Thomas continued to sob into Newts hand. "No! Newt, I can't let you! I love you!"

Newt swallowed and lump from the back of his throat and blinked his glassy brown eyes. "I love you too, Tommy. But, this is the path I need to take." Thomas got up and headed for the door. "No." He whispered.

Newt sighed and fell back against the bed. When Jane came back in Newt shared his idea with her. She listened carefully but he didn't like the answer she provided. "I'm sorry. the chance of you dying when we do the amputation is little to none and, you don't have an illness that will kill you more painfully soon, so we can't allow an assisted suicide situation."

Newt was upset by her answer but didn't show it much. A few hours later Jane was back with lots of other doctors and nurses to take Newt away for his amputation.

Thomas kissed the blonde boys hand. "I love you." Newt nodded and mouthed 'I love you too' as the powerful drugs sent him into unconsciousness.

Thomas sat and waited the five hours he had to before he was allowed to see Newt.

A tall man in a white lab coat with very rat-like facial features and greasy grey hair walked out. "Is a Thoma-" Thomas jumped up before the bam could finish. "Newt! I need to see Newt!" The man nodded. "Very well then. I'm doctor.Janson, please follow me."

Dr.Janson led Thomas to a room with a blonde boy who was obviously not fully back from the drugs they had to give him. "He's still a little..loopy. It's just the med-" Janson whispered Thomas out his had up to say 'I know'

He walked in and sat by Newt. "Hey." Thomas said softly. Newt opened his was and gave a drugged up smile. "Heyy Tommeh." He slurred.

"How do you feel?" Thomas asked. "I can't feeel my legss!" Newt exclaimed and burst into drunken laughter.

Thomas sighed and sat back in his chair. "Hey Tommeh?" Newt shifted to face Thomas. "When you say you love me, do you mean it? My dad used to say that but he didn't mean it. He hates me. That's why I was so sad and went cutting on my arms. I thinked that he hates me because I was fat and I looked like a-" Newt stopped and made a fart noise, then giggled.

Even though he was high Newt was talking about how he honestly felt and it broke Thomas's heart.

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