Chapter nine-

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'I love you more than life' ?

Newt quickly grabbed another one.

"Hey Tom,

Love love love you-"

He stopped right there and threw the other letter.

Once again more mushy things about love always ending with 'xoxo, T'

"Who is T?" Newt asked himself quietly, his eyes welling up with tears.

His mind was racing to all the worst conclusions.

"Newt?" A raspy voice asked from behind.

Newt flung his body around to see Thomas. Newts eyes were red and tears were streaming down his cheeks.

"What's-" Thomas began but soon stopped himself noticing the letters in Newts hand and scattered on his desk.

"No, Newt it's not like that." Thomas quickly tried to explain, pushing out his hand and throwing up the covers.

Newt threw the letters into the air, all scattering to different directions as they sailed through the air.

He swung open the door and rushed down the stairs in a mess of tears, not saying a word to Melissa before racing out the front door.

Thomas came rushing down the stairs shortly after. Once he reached the last step he froze, only moving his neck to stare at the door then his mom, the door, his mom, the door, his mom.

"Did he say anything?" Thomas asked nervously running a hand through his sweaty locks. Melissa just shook her head.

Thomas fell back collapsing into the stairs, a hand over his face.

"Care to explain?" His mom asked.

Thomas shook his head soon running back up the stairs.

The wind from the swing of his door pushed the letters across the room.

Thomas picked up one and read.

He quickly threw it across his bedroom, "Damn, Teresa why do you have to be so mushy?" He asked his sister as if she could hear.

Thomas sighed picking up his phone to call Newt.


He tried again.


And again.


Frustrated, Thomas pulled his hair as he went to his messages and started a text.

Thomas: Newt, please answer.


Thomas: It's not what you think.


"Good, he can read these. Ill just explain that she's my sister." Thomas narrated.

Thomas: She's my sister. Her name is Teresa and she left for boarding school last year. She is super mushy and loves to express that in her letters. Your my one and only, Newt.

Thomas let out a sigh of relief as the text sent but quickly tensed up when a notification popped up:

'Error, This Shaw service user had blocked you and did not revive the message.'

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