Chapter eight-

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"Boys!" Thomas's mother yelled.

Thomas groaned slinging Newts body off himself and trudged over to the door, violently throwing it open.

"Thomas!" The woman called again.

"Mom! I'm listening!" He yelled back in an unfriendly tone.

"Is your friend staying for dinner?!" She shouted, climbing up the stairs.

"I don't know," Thomas said turning to Newt. "Staying for dinner?" He asked, his head the only think visible through the small crack in the door.

"Uhh..I wouldn't want to be troubl-" Mrs.O'Brien barged open the door "Sweetie, it's not trouble!" She gushed.

Thomas gave Newt a look then turned to his mom. "He'll stay." he confirmed.

"Thank you, Mrs.O'Brien." Newt said politely from the bedroom.

"Please, call me Melissa!" She replied with a shout.

"Thanks...Melissa." he mumbled.

* * *
That evening the boys ate spaghetti with Mrs.O'Brien and a whole lot of questions.

"So," Melissa began "Where are you from, Newt?"

"London. I moved here a few years ago."

"You go to school with Thomas?"


"Do you like the food?"

"It's delicious, thank you."

"How old are you exactly?"

Before he could answer Thomas interrupted. "Mom! Stop interrogating him!"

Melissa looked over at her son with surprise. "Was I?"

Thomas nodded. Melissa shifted her gaze to Newt. "Oh, I'm sorry honey. Sometimes I don't realize that I ask so many questions." she explained sweetly.

She and Newt exchanged smiles and continued to eat.

After their dinner was over Thomas insisted that Newt stay over longer, dragging him back up those carpet stairs.

The door shut with a light click.

"So.." Newt started carrying out the O while observing down trophies on Thomas's shelf.

Thomas looked up at him with curiosity waiting for him to continue.

"Were dating, right?" He asked quietly as if he was embarrassed.

"As if you needed to ask." Thomas scoffed.

Newt raised an eyebrow secretly smirking.

Thomas rolled his eyes in response, his eyebrows so high almost meeting his hairline. "Yes." he said flatly.

Newt smiled that beautiful smile that always made Thomas's heart melt.

He made his way over to Thomas's bed curling up under his arm.

Thomas kissed his head lovingly as Newt closed his eyes.

When he opened them he knew he had been sleeping but didn't know for how long.

He adjusted himself into a siting position to see that Thomas was still passed out beside him.

Newt smiled at his boyfrined.

Boyfriend. That was a new word.

He got up to look around the room, slowly walking over to Thomas's desk.

Nothing much, a history paper, few books, pencils, and a wooden box.

That box peaked his interest.

He flipped it open and letters flooded out. Newt quickly snatched one up to read.

He quietly read it to himself.

"Dear Tom,

I miss you so much! I can't believe I left your for school. Speaking of which school is going great.

How is life for you? I hope it's great!
I'm gonna visit soon, just remember I love you more than life. I'm going to give you such a big wet kiss when I see you that you'll have a bruise!

Xoxo, T"

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