Chapter six-

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A/N: this chapter is dedicated to @RavenHowl she (sorry if your actually a he) always comments and votes! <3

Thomas's POV
Newt wasn't answering any of my messages or calls and skipped school today.

I lay awake thinking about him, worrying about him.

I don't know why he has such an effect on me but I genuinely care about him.

* * *

I walked into the cafeteria hoping to find Newt.

Then I spot him, sitting alone in a corner. He wasn't eating, just sitting.

Something didn't look right with him.

"Newt!" I called out to him. He looked up but as soon as he saw me that mop of blonde hair went right back down.

"Newt, talk to me!" I yelled, approaching him. I sat down beside him.

"Where were you yesterday?" I asked.

Newt just sat there silently.

"Newt...please." I begged.

I saw a few tears fall as his head stayed down, blonde hair hiding his cheeks.

He had band aids on his wrists.

"Newt. You cut again?" I said, not really asking more so stating a fact.

His head moved up and down slightly, almost unnoticeable.

"You can't do that to yourself." I said, placing a hand on his wrist to which he flinched and shoved away.

"Well, it seems like I can because I just bloody did." He spat, still not looking up at me.

"You were so kind a few days ago, what happened?" I asked, questioning his unwelcoming behaviour.

"What happened?" He quoted me, "What bloody happened?" He asked, chuckling bitterly.

"Let me tell you what happened, Tommy. I'm buggin' crazy!" He half shouted, finally looking up to face me.

He had tear stains on his cheeks which were being refreshed by new ones constantly. A dark burn was under his left eye.

"Newt...your not-"

"Crazy? Sure. I bloody slice up my own skin! And for what?! It doesn't feel very bloody nice for me! I do it because I'm just a fucked up failed abortion that shouldn't be here! I don't want to bring down your life, Tommy. I can't be near you...i'll just make you as crazy as me."

I couldn't say anything. How could he think this way?

Newt quickly got up after he realized that a few people were turned around staring.

"Newt!" I called out after him, throwing my arm out attempting to grab him.

I quickly gathered my things and ran after him, into the boys bathroom.

He slammed shut the handicapped stall and sat down crying.

"Newt? Newt!" I called, slamming my fist against the stall door repeatedly but to no avail.

I turned on my heels and entered the smaller stall beside the bigger one Newt sat in.

Carefully I placed my feet on the seat of the toilet, then the stall wall.

Placing my legs over swiftly I landed on the floor of Newts stall.

I knelt down and pulled Newts hands away from his face.

"How could you ever think that?" I asked, blinking back tears.

"Because it's t-true." he croaked. "My parents never wanted me, I don't belong here. I should've killed myself a while ago."

Before I could object Newt continued.

"My mom always told me that I was supposed to be aborted. And y dad used to love me, then I came out and he told me he couldn't love a gay." Newt whispered slightly, tearing up.

"Nobody here wants me." He said in such a heartbreaking and completely broken tone I could feel my heart bursting.

I took his hand and laced our fingers together, leaning in.

"I want you."

Band aids - a Newtmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now